Elsevier ScienceDirect problems (Update)

Since Wednesday 24th march, Elsevier ScienceDirect is not accessible via the Consortium Portal. After extensive debugging, it was established that there has been a human error at Elsevier. No other consortium seems to have experienced the outage. Thursday around 14h, access was partially restored to ca 400  subscribed journals. As of Thursday18h, no exact time could be given by Elsevier when the access will be fully restored. The national library stays in close contact with Elsevier technical support.

Update 26th march: Elsevier claimed again that access was restored, but it isn’t. Only 408 titles are available as full-text (->Browse, check “full-text only”), but ca 2000 should be.
(Titlelist: http://info.sciencedirect.com/techsupport/journals/freedomcoll.htm).

Update 26th march 11h15: Access has been restored by Elsevier.