Wiley-Blackwell offline. Saturday 28 June till Monday morning

Blackwell journal content will migrate to the Wiley InterScience platform as a result of the Wiley-Blackwell ongoing reorganiation.
Services are offline from Saturday 28th June, 15h, till Monday 30st June, 03h. Details: see table below.
Note: Last time these vendors decided to touch the computers, it was a travesty, for months! So: Go, Wiley-Blackwell, go! 🙂

The plan as announced first in January is still on track and the transition will take place this weekend.

The scheduled downtime is as follows:
Saturday – June 28
Blackwell Synergy closes down
21:00 New York (June 27)
03:00 Luxembourg
09:00 Singapore

Sunday – June 29
Wiley InterScience goes offline temporarily
05:00 New York (June 28)
11:00 Luxembourg
05:00 Singapore

Monday – June 30
Wiley InterScience comes back online, with Blackwell journals incorporated
21:00 New York (June 29)
03:00 Luxembourg
09:00 Singapore

Tuesday – June 31
further notice with update on the status. On peut s’attendre au pire, peut-être on ne sera pas deçu!