
ebooks.lu – Lancement du nouveau service de prêt de livres numériques

15441-09_BNL_annonce_JCD_FR_def.inddebooks.lu est le nouveau service de prêt d’ebooks en langues française, allemande et anglaise. Ce service gratuit est inédit au Luxembourg et désormais disponible dans 12 bibliothèques luxembourgeoises y compris la Bibliothèque nationale et sa bibliothèque itinérante, le Bicherbus. Plus de 78.200 livres numériques sont mis à disposition du public. Pour profiter du service, il suffit d’être inscrit comme lecteur dans une des bibliothèques partenaires. Une liste de ces bibliothèques peut être consultée sur le site web ebooks.lu. Les intéressés y trouveront également des plus amples informations sur l’utilisation de ce service et la recherche d’ebooks via a-z.lu, le moteur de recherche des bibliothèques du réseau bibnet.lu.

ebooks.lu est une initiative commune du Conseil supérieur des bibliothèques publiques (CSBP) et de la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg (BnL). La mise en œuvre de ce service, sous forme de projet-pilote, a débuté en juin 2015 et sa gestion a été confiée au département du Consortium Luxembourg et au département informatique de la Bibliothèque nationale, qui travaillent en coopération étroite avec les bibliothèques participantes.

Avant la réalisation d’ebooks.lu, le département du Consortium Luxembourg gérait déjà une offre électronique de 53 000 journaux électroniques, de 93 500 ebooks scientifiques et plus de 370 bases de données spécialisées, financés par la Bibliothèque nationale, l’Université du Luxembourg et les centres de recherche publics. ebooks.lu vient élargir cette offre mise à disposition du public.

Site web ebooks.lu
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Ebooks Harmathèque

La Bibliothèque nationale propose désormais une cinquantaine d’ebooks en langue française sur la plateforme “Harmathèque”.
Ce portail donne accès à ebooks publiés essentiellement par les éditions L’Harmattan. En guise d’introduction, un choix d’ebooks sur l’économie, la langue et littérature française et romane sont disponibles dès maintenant.

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?
Pour pouvoir vous connecter au portail, vous devez être dans les locaux de la Bibliothèque nationale.
Les ebooks peuvent être téléchargés sur votre ordinateur, tablette ou smartphone pour une durée limitée, comme un emprunt de livre au format papier. Pour lire ces fichiers téléchargés, vous aurez besoin du logiciel “Adobe Digital Editions” qui gère les téléchargements, la lecture et la durée de l’emprunt et qui peut être téléchargé.
Télécharger “Adobe Digital Editions”

Pour lire un ebook en ligne, il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir “Adobe Digital Editions”!

Vous trouvez la liste des ebooks disponibles ici: http://www.harmatheque.com.proxy.bnl.lu/ebooks

Aide pour télécharger un ebook

Tous les ebooks peuvent aussi être trouvés dans a-z.lu!

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Trial: Thieme ebook library

ThiemeLibraryConsortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re conducting a trial of Thieme E-Book Library through 30th June 2015.

The Thieme E-Book Library currently contains 81 illustrated full-color textbooks of which almost half have been ranked by Doody’s review service and provides students, researchers, and clinicians with access to an exciting online collection of lavishly illustrated full-color textbooks from Thieme’s renowned Color Atlases and Flexibook series.

You may download the medical textbooks to your tablets or PCs for use offline!

Top titles include books such as:

Fundamentals of Medical Physiology
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol. 1
Medical Microbiology
Pocket Atlas of Pharmacology

Access and Functionality

  • User-friendly interface featuring high-quality full-color illustrations
  • Download books quickly, save and read full-text downloads offline
  • Easy navigation through interactive tables of content and detailed Indexes
  • Advanced searching tools for conducting field and full-text searches within individual books or throughout the entire E-Book Library
  • Personalized accounts allow users to create bookshelves, set bookmarks, add notes, copy and print content directly, or download and print full chapters

Access Thieme E-Book Library directly

To help familiarize yourself with the Thieme E-Book Library, please view the getting started guide.

New ebooks: de Gruyter and transcript Verlag

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce the acquisition of 1.700 new ebooks of de Gruyter and transcript Verlag.

All ebooks can be accessed from anywhere with a valid library subscription of National Library, University, LIST or LIH.

degruyter logo - smallWe purchased access to all Linguistics and History ebooks published in 2014 at degruyter.com:

De Gruyter Linguistics 2014 (150 titles)

De Gruyter History 2014 (255 titles)

This includes publications from de Gruyter itself, but also publisher partners like Böhlau Verlag or Harvard University Press.


transcript_logo-smallAdditionally, we purchased the complete ebooks collection 2010-2014 of transcript Verlag.

All of those more than 1.300 titles can be accessed here.


Subjects cover cultural sciences, social sciences, history and philosophy.

You will also find the recent publication of University’s research unit “Identités. Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (IPSE)”.

All ebooks can also be found and accessed via findit.lu and a-z.lu.

Open Access: Early English Books and Eighteenth Century Collections Online


Over 25,000 Early English texts freely available worldwide!

Having previously been available only to academic institutions which subscribe to ProQuest’s Early English Books Online resource, over 25,000 texts from the first phase of EEBO-TCP have been made freely available as open data in the public domain from January 2015.

EEBO-TCP: Early English Books Online

EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database.

The EEBO corpus consists of the works represented in the English Short Title Catalogue I and II (based on the Pollard & Redgrave and Wing short title catalogs), as well as the Thomason Tracts and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Together these trace the history of English thought from the first book printed in English in 1475 through to 1700. The content covers literature, philosophy, politics, religion, geography, science and all other areas of human endeavor. The assembled collection of more than 125,000 volumes is a mainstay for understanding the development of Western culture in general and the Anglo-American world in particular. The STC collections have perhaps been most widely used by scholars of English, linguistics, and history, but these resources also include core texts in religious studies, art, women’s studies, history of science, law, and music.

The following are but a small sampling of the authors whose works are included: Erasmus, Shakespeare, King James I, Marlowe, Galileo, Caxton, Chaucer, Malory, Boyle, Newton, Locke, More, Milton, Spenser, Bacon, Donne, Hobbes, Purcell, Behn, and Defoe.

Go to Early English Books via a-z.lu.


Eighteens Century Collection Online

With the support of more than 35 libraries, the TCP keyed and encoded 2,231 Eighteenth Century Collections texts. In cooperation with Gale Cengage, these texts have already been made freely available to the public.

ECCO-TCP: Eighteenth Century Collections Online

ECCO-TCP is a partnership with Gale, part of Cengage Learning, to produce highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts from among the 150,000 titles available in the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) database.

ECCO includes every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas. The database contains more than 32 million pages of text and over 205,000 individual volumes in all. In addition, ECCO natively supports OCR-based full-text searching of this corpus.

Access Eighteenth Century Collections Online via a-z.lu.

Now available at National Library: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology Online

Encyclopedia of Information Science and TechnologyInformation acquisition and management has always had a profound impact on societal and organizational progression. However, as computing dramatically advances the level of intelligence associated with management technologies, the breadth of their dispersal, and ultimately the impact of the information itself, the utilization and management of information science and technology also gains profound importance. This change-driven environment creates a critical need for a comprehensive, up-to-date reference encompassing the full range of concepts, issues, methods, technologies, and trends associated with the field.

The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition is a 10-volume compilation of authoritative, research-based articles contributed by thousands of researchers and experts from all over the world. This discipline-defining encyclopedia serves research needs in numerous fields that are affected by the rapid pace and substantial impact of technological change. With an emphasis on modern issues and the presentation of potential opportunities, prospective solutions, and future directions in the field, it is a relevant and essential addition to any academic library’s reference collection.

You may access the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology inside the buildings of the National Library of Luxembourg.

Access via a-z.lu: http://www.a-z.lu/BIBNET:ALEPH_LUX01001338762

New content: Routledge Handbooks Online

Routledge Handbooks Online

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now providing access to Routledge Handbooks Online. Routledge Handbooks Online (RHO) is the new online home for Routledge Handbooks, Companions, and Worlds content.

Routledge Handbooks Online brings together a highly acclaimed, world-class collection of handbooks spanning 18 diverse subject areas, all on one digital platform. Every handbook is edited by leading scholars, is peer-reviewed, and provides a definitive overview of a whole subject area or sub-discipline.

On RHO, every handbook chapter acts as a standalone piece of scholarship, complete with its own abstract and metadata, making it completely searchable and browsable, providing powerful functionality to the student and researcher.

All 300 titles DRM-free and content available as HTML and PDF, allowing functionality such as highlighting, adding notes, downloading, and printing.

Routledge Handbooks Online features collections in the following areas:

  • Archaeology & Classics
  • Asian Studies
  • Business & Economics
  • Communication,  Journalism, Media & Culture
  • Criminal Justice & Criminology
  • Education
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Health & Social Care
  • History
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Security Studies
  • Sociology
  • Sport & Leisure
  • Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management

Routledge Handbooks are accessible for library card holders of the National Library as well as University of Luxembourg.

Access Routledge Handbooks Online here.

All ebooks can also be found via findit.lu (ebook search) or a-z.lu.

Oxford Scholarship Online ebooks now available

Oxford Scholarship OnlineWe are pleased to announce that Consortium Luxembourg now provides access to 990 ebooks (2013/14 publications) from Oxford Scholarship Online.

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a vast and rapidly expanding monograph database, bringing together the best scholarly publishing from around the world. Users can explore different subject areas, including Business and Management, Law, Political Science, Social Work or Psychology, helping to broaden users’ research horizons.

User benefits

  • View abstracts at book and chapter level for all titles – providing at-a-glance access to the content
  • Download chapters to PDF – enabling research on-the-go
  • Frequent update schedule ensures access to the latest titles at the forefront of academic scholarship
  • Share titles, chapters, abstracts, and search results with colleagues using social bookmarking tools and citation export

Start using Oxford Scholarship Online today at: http://www.oxfordscholarship.com.proxy.bnl.lu
All ebooks can also be found on a-z.lu and findit.lu.

Download a short user guide here.

Nobel Prize in Economic Science Awarded to Jean Tirole

Medal Nobel PrizeThe Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2014 to Jean Tirole “for his analysis of market power and regulation”.

Jean Tirole is one of the most influential economists of our time. He has made important theoretical research contributions in a number of areas, but most of all he has clarified how to understand and regulate industries with a few powerful firms.

Many industries are dominated by a small number of large firms or a single monopoly. Left unregulated, such markets often produce socially undesirable results – prices higher than those motivated by costs, or unproductive firms that survive by blocking the entry of new and more productive ones.

From the mid-1980s and onwards, Jean Tirole has breathed new life into research on such market failures. His analysis of firms with market power provides a unified theory with a strong bearing on central policy questions: how should the government deal with mergers or cartels, and how should it regulate monopolies? (Press Release Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)

Find more information about Jean Tirole and the Nobel Prize here.

Some of Jean Tirole’s books are now available online via findit.lu and a-z.lu:

>> Jean Tirole’s ebooks in a-z.lu

>> Direct link to Ebsco ebooks


Prix Nobel de littérature pour l’année 2014

Medal Nobel PrizeLe prix Nobel de littérature pour l’année 2014 est attribué à l’écrivain français Patrick Modiano « pour cet art de la mémoire avec lequel il a fait surgir les destins les plus insaisissables et découvrir le monde vécu sous l’Occupation ».
(Communiqué de presse de l’Académie suédoise)

« Né en 1945, Modiano a publié son premier roman, La Place de l’étoile, en 1968, et reçu dix ans plus tard le prix Goncourt pour Rue des boutiques obscures. En 1996, ce sera le Grand Prix national des lettres pour l’ensemble de son œuvre. Et maintenant, le Nobel pour définitivement consacrer une carrière littéraire d’une trentaine de romans qui ont raconté le Paris de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. » (Le Monde)

Ebooks sur Patrick Modiano sont maintenant disponibles via findit.lu et a-z.lu.

>> Patrick Modiano en ligne sur a-z.lu

>> Lien direct vers la plateforme Ebsco (ebooks)