New content – Lancement du nouveau service de prêt de livres numériques est le nouveau service de prêt d’ebooks en langues française, allemande et anglaise. Ce service gratuit est inédit au Luxembourg et désormais disponible dans 12 bibliothèques luxembourgeoises y compris la Bibliothèque nationale et sa bibliothèque itinérante, le Bicherbus. Plus de 78.200 livres numériques sont mis à disposition du public. Pour profiter du service, il suffit d’être inscrit comme lecteur dans une des bibliothèques partenaires. Une liste de ces bibliothèques peut être consultée sur le site web Les intéressés y trouveront également des plus amples informations sur l’utilisation de ce service et la recherche d’ebooks via, le moteur de recherche des bibliothèques du réseau est une initiative commune du Conseil supérieur des bibliothèques publiques (CSBP) et de la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg (BnL). La mise en œuvre de ce service, sous forme de projet-pilote, a débuté en juin 2015 et sa gestion a été confiée au département du Consortium Luxembourg et au département informatique de la Bibliothèque nationale, qui travaillent en coopération étroite avec les bibliothèques participantes.

Avant la réalisation d’, le département du Consortium Luxembourg gérait déjà une offre électronique de 53 000 journaux électroniques, de 93 500 ebooks scientifiques et plus de 370 bases de données spécialisées, financés par la Bibliothèque nationale, l’Université du Luxembourg et les centres de recherche publics. vient élargir cette offre mise à disposition du public.

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Nouvelle base de données: Strada lex Luxembourg

stradalex luxembourgComme remarqué par quelques utilisateurs les contenus juridiques conçus essentiellement pour le marché luxembourgeois ne sont plus accessibles dans Strada lex (Belgique). Ils se trouvent maintenant dans la nouvelle base de données Strada lex Luxembourg.

La base de données Strada lex Luxembourg, dédiée à l’information juridique luxembourgeoise, est à présent disponible via et pour les utilisateurs de la BnL et l’Université du Luxembourg.

Strada lex Luxembourg constitue aujourd’hui l’offre documentaire juridique la plus complète au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Sont rassemblées, en un seul site, la législation, la jurisprudence luxembourgeoise et européenne et la doctrine dans toutes les branches du droit, soit plus de 500.000 références documentaires.

Les contenus

  • Sources officielles (Mémorial A, Les décisions de la Cour constitutionnelle, Les décisions de la Cour de Cassation, Les décisions des juridictions administratives)
  • Législation coordonnée
  • Recueil Permanent des Revues Juridiques
  • Les Recueils de jurisprudence Promoculture-Larcier (Recueil de jurisprudence pénale, Code du travail luxembourgeois annoté, Recueil Sécurité et santé au travail, etc.)
  • Plus de 40 revues Bruylant, Délégation des Barreaux de France, Larcier, Promocultur-Larcier

La base de données Strada lex Luxembourg est accessible via (l’onglet “Bases de données” > S) et en cherchant sur

Pour des raisons de licences, Strada lex Luxembourg peut seulement être consulté dans les bâtiments (réseaux) de la Bibliothèque nationale et l’Université du Luxembourg.

Naxos Music Library: Neue Klassiklabels / Nouveaux labels de musique classique

nml_bannerNaxos Music Library (NML) hat verkündet, dass nun auch die ersten Aufnahmen von über 11.000 geplanten Alben der Klassiklabel Deutsche Grammophon und Decca in den Bestand der NML aufgenommen worden sind.

Somit schließt sich die letzte große Lücke im Klassik-Repertoire der NML, der weltweit größten Online-Bibliothek klassischer Musik, in welcher mehr als 116.000 digitalisierte CDs von über 750 Labels im Streaming-Angebot verfügbar sind.

Naxos Music Library kann über abgerufen werden.

Nouveaux labels de musique classique dans „Naxos Music Library“

Naxos Music Library (NML) étend son offre avec l’intégration de plus de 11.000 enregistrements des labels Deutsche Grammophon et Decca. Ainsi, la NML devient la plus exhaustive bibliothèque de musique classique, accessible en ligne. Plus de 116.000 Cd numérisés d’au moins 750 labels sont désormais disponibles pour le streaming et la diffusion en ligne.

Consultez Naxos Music Library via notre moteur de recherche

Did you know? ‘Analytical Chemistry’ podcast and youtube channel

Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. It’s one of the most-cited journals in analytical chemistry.
Consortium Luxembourg is offering access to current issues as well as backfiles from 1996 on.

Did you know that there is a monthly audio podcast discussing Feature articles published in Analytical Chemistry? Submit your questions to top researchers in the field on our Facebook and Twitter pages for use in upcoming podcasts!

More interested in videos? The publisher is also offering a youtube channel with a focus on chemistry from the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society.

Don’t miss the video about “Scientists Make Self-healing Rubber”

 Journal Analytical Chemistry

Analytical Chemistry audio podcast

American Chemical Society youtube channel

Bibliography of Linguistic Literature – Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLLDB)

blldb-header Deutsche Version


Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now offering access to Bibliography of Linguistic Literature – Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLLDB).

BLLDB is the online version of the “Bibliography of Linguistic Literature / Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLL)”. It is one of the major sources of information on the internet for general linguistics with all its neighbouring disciplines and subdomains as well as English, German and Romance linguistics. Other languages are also covered to a smaller extent.

The bibliography lists journal articles, articles of conference proceedings, and other collective works as well as monographs, dissertations, and Festschrifts.

BLLDB contains all volumes of the printed edition of BLL. It dates back as far as 1971 and references over 452,000 citations. The data base is quarterly updated with an annual growth of about 10,000 citations.

The material covered is international. Subject classification is available in English and German.

BLLDB was realised with our Visual Library and is based on latest XML technologies. With its German and English interface it enables users to rapidly execute complex queries for bibliographical references by means of multiple search criteria and parameters. Furthermore, to browse the database thoroughly, all title entries are indexed and classified systematically according to the different linguistic domains and levels of description.

All search queries can be saved and repeated while search results can be stored and exported for further use (plain text, Dublin Core). Via openURL BLLDB is connected to your library’s  linking service.

Access BLLDB directly here or via


Deutsche Version

Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLLDB)

BLLDB ist die Onlineversion der “Bibliography of Linguistic Literature / Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLL)”. Damit steht eine der wichtigsten bibliographischen Informationsquellen für die allgemeine Linguistik mit ihren verschiedenen Teilbereichen und Nachbardisziplinen sowie der anglistischen, germanistischen und romanistischen Sprachwissenschaft im Internet zur Verfügung. In geringerem Umfang werden außerdem Veröffentlichungen zu anderen Sprachen behandelt.

BLLDB verzeichnet Monographien, Dissertationen, Manuskripte, Aufsätze aus Zeitschriften, Rezensionen in Auswahl, Beiträge aus Sammelwerken, Festschriften, Kongress- und Institutsberichten etc.

Umfang der Bibliographie
BLLDB verzeichnet für den Berichtszeitraum von 1971 bis heute aktuell etwa 452.000 Titeldaten. Dreimonatlich durchgeführte Updates ergänzen diesen Bestand jährlich um ca. 10.000 neue Titel.

Die inhaltliche Erschließung durch Klassifikation und Schlagwörter erfolgt in der Regel zweisprachig in Deutsch und Englisch.

BLLDB wurde unter Einsatz von Visual Library realisiert und nutzt moderne XML-Technologien. Über eine deutsche und wahlweise englische Oberfläche ermöglicht Ihnen BLLDB die rasche Durchführung komplexer Literaturrecherchen, die mittels verschiedener Suchkriterien und -parameter spezifiziert werden können. Sämtliche Einträge wurden darüber hinaus systematisch nach Fachgebieten und Themenschwerpunkten klassifiziert, so daß Sie im Datenbestand der BLLDB auch frei navigieren können.

Suchanfragen und Rechercheergebnisse können gespeichert und zur weiteren Verwendung exportiert werden. Die Verfügbarkeitsprüfung von Titeln wird durch einen Linkresolver realisiert.

Um direkt auf BLLDB zuzugreifen klicken Sie hier. Alternativ nutzen Sie unsere Suchmaschine

Linkresolver Screenshot

Language of Binding – online thesaurus of bookbinding terms launched

Ligatus is proud to announce the launch of the Language of Binding online thesaurus of bookbinding terms, which was celebrated with a one-day event in the Chelsea College of Arts (University of the Arts London) in collaboration with CERL on 23 June, 2015.

Ligatus is a research centre of the University of the Arts London with projects in libraries and archives and with a particular interest in historic bookbinding. The Language of Binding thesaurus is the result of our long experience with historic bookbindings, but has been greatly assisted by contributions from an international group of bookbinding experts and book conservators. This work was made possible by a Networking Grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK.

The aim of the thesaurus is to present a consistent vocabulary for the use of all those who work with early bindings, built wherever possible on existing resources, but adapted for use in an on-line hierarchical environment that will allow terms that are not known to a user to be found. It is constructed around concepts (such as different bookbinding components, features, materials or techniques) that can be expressed by a number of language terms (labels). The thesaurus allows one concept to have more than one label, which allows the same concept to be searched for by the different terms that may have been used historically to describe it. It will also allow the concepts to be expressed in different languages.

The Language of Binding thesaurus can be used as a reference online resource that can be searched by keyword or alphabetically. The concepts contained in the thesaurus are, however, also arranged hierarchically, based on a class/sub-class relationship, which allows concepts to be retrieved by navigating down the hierarchies even if their label (the term) is not known.
It is hoped that the thesaurus will enable all those who work with books in early bindings to arrive at more consistent descriptions of those bindings. By being based primarily on single concepts, it has tried to avoid the more familiar but sometimes frustratingly imprecise language that has often been used in the past. This means that some of these familiar terms will not be found as labels, though they may be referred to in the scope notes that define and describe the concepts (and can therefore be found by a simple keyword search).

At the moment, the thesaurus contains labels primarily in English, but work on its translation has already started, and plans for the addition of illustrations are also underway. The thesaurus can, in addition, be used as a look-up service for software applications that need to populate schema fields from thesauri.

An accompanying volume, Coming to Terms: guidelines for the description of historical bindings, which is based on the terms in the thesaurus, is to be published in the autumn. The success of the thesaurus will to a large extent depend on contributions made to it by its users, either to add more concepts, refine existing scope notes or correct mistakes. Such contributions to the thesaurus will be welcomed, and can be made online following a registration process.

The thesaurus can be accessed at:

Ebooks Harmathèque

La Bibliothèque nationale propose désormais une cinquantaine d’ebooks en langue française sur la plateforme “Harmathèque”.
Ce portail donne accès à ebooks publiés essentiellement par les éditions L’Harmattan. En guise d’introduction, un choix d’ebooks sur l’économie, la langue et littérature française et romane sont disponibles dès maintenant.

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?
Pour pouvoir vous connecter au portail, vous devez être dans les locaux de la Bibliothèque nationale.
Les ebooks peuvent être téléchargés sur votre ordinateur, tablette ou smartphone pour une durée limitée, comme un emprunt de livre au format papier. Pour lire ces fichiers téléchargés, vous aurez besoin du logiciel “Adobe Digital Editions” qui gère les téléchargements, la lecture et la durée de l’emprunt et qui peut être téléchargé.
Télécharger “Adobe Digital Editions”

Pour lire un ebook en ligne, il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir “Adobe Digital Editions”!

Vous trouvez la liste des ebooks disponibles ici:

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PhilPapers: philosophical research online

Logo PhilPapersConsortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now offering remote access to PhilPapers, one of the major research tools in philosophy.
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. Using advanced trawling techniques and large scale crowdsourcing, PhilPapers monitors all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. They also host the largest open access archive in philosophy.

Monitor current research

  • Browse new issues of over 1000 philosophy journals
  • View the latest papers from online archives and authors’ home pages

Explore the literature

You may access PhilPapers via

Relaunch Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

REP-online-bannerRoutledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy was relaunched on 22nd April 2015.

To maintain REP Online as philosophy’s premier resource for research and reference, Routledge has a program of regular additions of new articles and revisions of existing content. This enables REP to reflect the most important developments in the field.

Since launching REP Online in 2001 over 300 new and revised articles have been added – expanding the Encyclopedia into fresh subject areas as well as increasing and updating coverage of established fields.

New to REP in 2015 are the archival versions of articles. It is now possible to view previous versions of an article that has been revised: earlier versions can be accessed via the tabs at the top of the articles, labelled ‘v1’, ‘v2’, etc., with v1 being the oldest version.

Also new in 2015 are the Playlists, guest-edited selections of articles that offer a personal angle on the rich and diverse content of REP Online. Compiled by leading scholars, they spotlight articles in new and emerging topics, or topics that have been overlooked. In REP’s first Playlist, General Editor Tim Crane provides the ideal introduction to REP Online and to philosophy.

Further enhancements

  • All articles begin with an accessible summary in bold, free to view for all users and significantly improving discoverability
  • Articles can be saved into labelled shortlists for easy reference  rep-shortlist button
  • Search has been improved to enable results  to be filtered on a greater number of facets

Access Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy via!

Upgrade Wiley Online Library

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we upgraded our subscription for Wiley Online Library, one of the world’s most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.

We are now offering access to more than 1,400 journals; all journals added to Wiley Online Library from 2011 to 2015 are now also accessible for users of Consortium Luxembourg.

Amongst others you have access to following journals:

Featuring a clean and easy-to-use interface, Wiley Online Library provides intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities and a range of personalization and alerting options.

  • Easy to use interface: developed in consultation with users to deliver intuitive navigation and easy access to articles, chapters, references, and supplementary information.
  • Easy to find relevant content: discover more through reference linking, search filtering, related articles, and added value initiatives such as virtual issues, podcasts and dedicated subject pages.
  • Easy to keep up-to-date: content alerts and RSS feeds to keep you updated with the latest published research, including journal tables of contents, EarlyView and AcceptedArticles articles, and search results.

You may find all journals in and

Click here for direct access to Wiley Online Library.