New content

New United Nations iLibrary Platform

iLibrary_logoUnited Nations Publications is pleased to announce the launch of the United Nations iLibrary, the first comprehensive global search, discovery, and dissemination platform for digital content created by the United Nations.

The United Nations iLibrary provides scholars, students, policy makers, politicians, diplomats, information specialists, librarians and the general public with a single online destination for seamlessly accessing knowledge products created by the United Nations Secretariat, and its funds and programs.

To begin with, United Nations iLibrary includes publications, journals and series comprising facts and expertise on international peace and security, human rights, economic and social development, climate change, international law, governance, public health, and statistics. In future releases, the platform will also provide access to other resources such as working papers series and statistical databases.

At launch, United Nations iLibrary comprises 750 titles in English, and 250 in other official languages of the United Nations: French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Arabic. This initial scope covers most of the content published under the United Nations Publications banner between 2013 and 2015. A scope of around 3,000 titles is expected to be available by the end of 2016, corresponding to most titles published between 2010 and 2015.

The content of the United Nations iLibrary will be regularly updated with approximately 500 new titles published every year on the key topics reflecting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations.

The Consortium Luxembourg is happy to offer remote access to UN iLIbrary for all users with a valid library card from either National Library, University, LIST or LIH.
Access via

LIH subscribes to JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)

JoVE, the Journal of Visualized Experimentsjove_logo, is the world’s first peer reviewed scientific video journal. Established in 2006, JoVE is devoted to publishing scientific research in a visual format to help researchers overcome two of the biggest challenges facing the scientific research community today; poor reproducibility and the time and labor intensive nature of learning new experimental techniques.

The Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) recently started a subscription to JoVE.

Following sections are included in the subscription:

As a result, the LIH researchers can now access more than 3.000 articles from top research institutions around the world that are dynamically sharing their research methods, data analyses and results clearly, accurately and professionally with the expertise of JoVE’s professional videographers.

All JoVE articles are indexed in subject-relevant indexing sites, including PubMed/MEDLINE, SciFinder and Scopus.

Access JoVE via or use the direct link: .

Please find here a short user guide to make the most out of the subscription: JoVE User Guide

Attention: Access to JoVE is only possible in the local network of Luxembourg Institute of Health!


Safari Books Online, le meilleur de l’ICT. 32.000 ebooks disponibles en ligne dès maintenant


La « Digital Library Consortium », gérée par la Bibliothèque nationale, annonce l’ajout de Safari Books Online à son offre documentaire.

Safari Books Online donne accès à plus de 32.000 ebooks et 3.000 vidéos sur les technologies de pointe : programmation et réseautage informatique, graphisme, stratégies d’affaires et gestion de projets NTIC. L’offre regroupe plus de 100 éditeurs de renommée mondiale tels que O’Reilly Media, Addison Wesley, Cisco Press et Peachpit Press.

Safari Books Online complète l’offre numérique déjà existante de plus de 100.000 ebooks scientifiques, 55.000 ejournals et 370 bases de données, incluant d’autres produits en informatique incontournables comme : ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore Library, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, etc.

Les lecteurs de la Bibliothèque nationale, de l’Université du Luxembourg, des centres de recherche publics LIH (Luxembourg Institute of Health) et LIST (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology) accèdent gratuitement et partout à Safari Books Online via le moteur de recherche : ou directement via (accès smartphone) ou (accès PC).

Xavier Bettel, Ministre d’Etat, Ministre de la Culture : « Cette bibliothèque est un vrai laboratoire pour acquérir aujourd’hui, les compétences de demain. »

Ainsi, les usagers peuvent se doter des connaissances numériques requises pour acquérir de nouvelles compétences, s’affirmer sur le marché international des NTIC et participer activement au développement de la société numérique luxembourgeoise. L’offre documentaire croissante de la bibliothèque numérique va de pair avec l’initiative Digital Lëtzebuerg du Gouvernement, définissant les NTIC comme principal axe de développement économique du pays.


Informations supplémentaires : Digital Library Consortium

La « Digital Library Consortium » a pour objet l’acquisition et la gestion de publications électroniques rendues accessibles via le moteur de recherche Elle est implémentée et gérée par la Bibliothèque nationale qui assure aussi la négociation des contrats de licences avec les fournisseurs. Le Consortium regroupe la Bibliothèque nationale, l’Université du Luxembourg, le Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) et le Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH). Actuellement, plus de 55.000 titres de revues électroniques, 100.000 ebooks et plusieurs centaines de bases de données sont disponibles et accessibles à distance. Plus d’informations

Contact Consortium :

S’inscrire gratuitement à la Bibliothèque nationale

Pour avoir accès à l’offre documentaire de la bibliothèque numérique, l’intéressé, âgé d’au moins 14 ans, doit s’inscrire à la Bibliothèque nationale. L’inscription est gratuite et effectuée sur place à l’accueil de la BnL : 37, boulevard F.D. Roosevelt L-2450 Luxembourg. Les modalités d’inscription peuvent être consultées sur le site web de la BnL :

Liens utiles +

Dalloz Matière Droit International et Européen

Le Consortium a le plaisir de vous communiquer l’ajout d’un accès à Dalloz Matière Droit International et Européen.
Auprès les « Dalloz actualités – Européen et International » et les « fiches d’orientation Européen et international » la matière comprend l’Encyclopédie de droit européen ainsi que l’Encyclopédie de droit international.

Le Répertoire de droit européen, c’est notamment :

  • les questions monétaires : euro, monnaie (Union économique et monétaire)
  • les procédures : compétence, reconnaissance et exécution (matières civile et commerciale)
  • la concurrence : ententes, restrictions horizontales de concurrence, restrictions verticales de concurrence
  • le droit social : droits sociaux, politique sociale, travailleur (notion), travailleur (régime)
  • les statuts des territoires qui ont des liens privilégiés avec la Communauté : association (pays et territoires d’outre-mer), Afrique-Caraïbes-Pacifique (partenariat), espace économique européen, régions ultrapériphériques

Le Répertoire de droit International, c’est notamment :

  • le droit de la famille : adoption, mariage, régimes matrimoniaux, divorce et séparation de corps
  • le droit économique, notamment l’Organisation Mondiale du Commerce : négociations commerciales internationales, négociations commerciales multilatérales (cycle de l’Uruguay), système commercial multilatéral (volet institutionnel)
  • la nationalité et la condition des étrangers : cartes d’identité,immigration
  • les aspects judiciaires : procédure civile et commerciale, jugement étranger (matières civile et commerciale), jugement étranger (matière pénale), délais, action en justice

Les contenus sont désormais disponibles sur (Thèmes – Européen et International).

Pour des raisons de licences,  peut seulement être consulté dans les bâtiments (réseaux) de la Bibliothèque nationale et l’Université du Luxembourg.

Wiley Online Library: now access to all journals


Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we upgraded our subscription for Wiley Online Library, one of the world’s most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.

You are finally having access to all journals which are currently published by Wiley (more than 1.500)!

Here are some examples of important titles which were missing so far in our subscription and are now available remotely for all users of the Consortium Luxembourg:

  • ChemPubSoc Europe Journals: ChemBioChem, ChemPhysChem, ChemMedChem, ChemSusChem, ChemCatChem and more…
  • AGU journals: Water Resources Research, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres / Biogeosciences / Earth Surface / Oceans / Planets / Solid Earth / Space Physics
  • Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Healthcare Materials, Advanced Optical Materials
  • EMBO Reports, EMBO Journal
  • …and many more…

Featuring a clean and easy-to-use interface, Wiley Online Library provides intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities and a range of personalization and alerting options.

You may find all journals in and

Click here for direct access to Wiley Online Library.




Inspec has been cancelled

The Consortium Luxembourg has made the decision to cancel Inspec due to significantly low use and budget constraints.  Inspec is no longer be available since 1st February 2016.

Inspec is a bibliographic database that is produced by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and provides abstracts and indexing to scientific and technical papers in physics, electrical engineering, electronics, communications, control engineering, computing, information technology, manufacturing, production and mechanical engineering.

Although we avoid cancelling resources whenever possible, we must make this decision on occasion. In times where bibliographic references can also be found in search engines like GoogleScholar or even (Digital Library – Scholarly articles) we would like to set our focus on financing full text databases like, for this discipline, PROLA (American Physical Society) or IEEE Xplore.

If you have any comments on this, please send an e-mail to

New Springer ebooks: 2014 Computer Sciences and 2015 Complete

Springer ebooks Teaser

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce that we upgraded our Springer ebook collection.

Access is provided to all English and German language Springer e-books 2015. The books cover a variety of subjects including:

  • Biomedical & Life Science
  • Business & Economics
  • Chemistry & Materials Science
  • Computer Science incl Lecture Notes in Computer Science
  • Earth & Environmental Science
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics & Statistics
  • Medicine
  • Physics & Astronomy
  • Professional & Applied Computing

Topics covered in the German collection include:

  • Geistes-, Sozialwissenschaften und Recht
  • Medizin
  • Naturwissenschaften
  • Technik und Informatik
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften
  • Psychologie

In addition to that, we purchased the 2014 Computer Science package incl Lecture Notes in Computer Science.


All ebooks can also be found and accessed via and

Alternatively, you may access all of the available Springer ebooks here.

All ebooks can be accessed from anywhere with a valid library subscription of National Library, University, LIST or LIH.

Ebooks Bibliothekswissenschaften

Neben den ebooks vom transcript-Verlag und vielen anderen lizenzierten ebooks, die über deGruyter zugänglich sind, möchten wir Ihnen heute ein paar Titel aus dem Bereich der Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaften vorstellen.

Jeder Nutzer mit einer Leserkarte der Nationalbibliothek, der Universität oder eines der Forschungszentren LIST oder LIH hat unbeschränkten Zugriff auf die Titel. Die ebooks können – ohne gesonderten Kopierschutz – als PDF heruntergeladen werden.

praxishandbuch bibmanagementRolf Griebel, Hildegard Schäffler, Konstanze Söllner (Hrsg.)
Praxishandbuch Bibliotheksmanagement

Das Praxishandbuch Bibliotheksmanagement ist ein Handbuch zu allen Aspekten der Bibliotheksorganisation. Aus Sicht der Bibliothekspraxis bietet es eine aktuelle Standortbestimmung und einen Überblick über alle Aspekte des Bibliotheksmanagements in Deutschland. Besonderer Wert wird dabei auf die Darstellung von aktuellen Entwicklungen unter Berücksichtigung des internationalen Kontexts gelegt.

handbuch kulturportaleHrsg. v. Euler, Ellen / Hagedorn-Saupe, Monika / Maier, Gerald / Schweibenz, Werner / Sieglerschmidt, Jörn
Handbuch Kulturportale. Online-Angebote aus Kultur und Wissenschaft

Das Handbuch zeigt aktuelle Trends und Perspektiven von Portalen im Bereich Kultur und Wissenschaft, wie z. B. jenem der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek, auf. Der Fokus liegt auf der Darstellung der Vielfalt von Kultur-Portalen. Ausgehend von historischen, fachlichen, organisatorischen, juristischen und wirtschaftlichen Fragen werden verschiedene Projekte vorgestellt. Die Beiträge folgen einem Leitfaden, der eine vergleichende Betrachtung der Angebote ermöglicht und so einen Überblick über die aktuelle Portal-Landschaft gibt.


Weitere Titel als ebook (Auszug)


Viele weitere ebooks zum Thema finden Sie unter

New ebooks: transcript Verlag 2015

transcript_logo-smallConsortium Luxembourg is happy to announce the acquisition of the 2015 ebook publications of transcript Verlag.

These ebooks can be accessed from anywhere with a valid library subscription of National Library, University, LIST or LIH. The ebooks are not DRM protected, so there’s unlimited access and you may save an ebook chapter as a pdf.

Subjects cover cultural sciences, social sciences, history and philosophy:

Some random examples

Strategisches Management in Museen. Mit Change Management und Balanced Scorecard aktiv gestalten

Internet der Dinge. Über smarte Objekte, intelligente Umgebungen und die technische Durchdringung der Welt

Sprache und Bildung in Migrationsgesellschaften. Machtkritische Perspektiven auf ein prekarisiertes Verhältnis

Amerikanische Fernsehserien der Gegenwart. Perspektiven der American Studies und der Media Studies

transcript museum   transcript internet transcript migration   transcript serien

All ebooks can also be found and accessed via and

Alternatively, you may access all of the available transcript ebooks here.

Music, Music, Music : more Naxos Databases (+ Christmas playlists)

Update: Enjoy Christmas time with the playlists we created for you: “Jazz Christmas” and “Christmas around the world”!


Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we extended our offer for music streaming.
From now on you have access to the Naxos Music Library Jazz!


Naxos Music Library Jazz is one of the most comprehensive collection of Jazz music available online. It offers over 100,000 tracks of jazz from more than 9,000 albums. Over 12,000 jazz artists are represented. Naxos Music Library Jazz comprises the catalogues of Blue Notes Records, 22 labels of Fantasy Jazz and over 200 other labels. US-based Fantasy has the world’s deepest jazz catalogue and offers the very best in blues and R&B. Blue Note offers albums featuring the legendary artist John Coltrane and iconic artists such as Herbie Hancock, Dexter Gordon, Lee Morgan, Wayne Shorter and many others. All these can be accessible from computers in your library, home or office.

Access Naxos Music Library Jazz directly


Beneath the Jazz Library we’re offering trials to two further databases.

Naxos Music Library World: Naxos Music Library World offers a wide range of World music, from legendary historical musical performances to contemporary World music. Included are recordings of over 32,000 artists, representations from over 1500 cultural groups and music from over 150 countries. Over 5,060 albums (45,700 tracks) are available and new albums are added weekly. The complete Smithsonian Folkways catalog is also included.

Access Naxos Music Library World directly

Naxos Musical Works Database: This new Naxos service meets the needs of many artists and performing arts organisations – a place where they can find all the most important information about classical musical works — instrumentation, playing time, year of composition, composer biographies, music notes and much more. The data are derived from the vast amount of information included in the Naxos Music Library, augmented by information from many other sources and music publishers.

Access Naxos Music Works Database directly

The trial lasts until 31 December 2015.

All databases can also be accessed via and