Legicorp, a database specifically dedicated to corporate legislation: consolidated legislation, related case law (in extenso), administrative circular letters and comments by Loyens & Loeff Luxembourg, is now available in the Consortium Luxembourg Portal. It can be found via the “Databases” header under the letter “L”.
New content
Encyclopaedia Britannica and Universalis
The two most renowned English and French language Encyclopaedias are now available in the Consortium Luxembourg Portal. They can be found via the “Databases” header under the letter “E”.
Direct links:
Britannica Online (Academic Edition)
Encyclopædia Britannica School Edition
Encyclopædia Universalis
Note: For German reference, there is Brockhaus Enzyklopädie.
New content May 2009
There is now a simple way to find out about new content available from Consortium Luxembourg:
(you must login to access licensed content)