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Credo Reference exceeds 500 Titles

Credo Reference, an online reference library available through the Consortium Luxembourg Portal, has announced that Credo General Reference Premium now includes 505 titles and will offer 525 by the end of the year.

Over the past two years, Credo General Reference has expanded its coverage by adding in-depth subject encyclopaedias in areas such as Business, Economics, International Relations/Political Science, and more.  For more information, see: Credo General Reference Reaches Milestone

Le Doctrinal Plus

Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer l’ajout d’un nouveau produit dans le portail du Consortium Luxembourg, “Le Doctrinal Plus”.

Le Doctrinal Plus”, mis à jour tous les mois, est un point d’entrée dans le Droit Français. Base de données bibliographiques exhaustive, Le Doctrinal dépouille depuis le 1er janvier 1993 l’intégralité de la doctrine publiée dans plus de 200 publications françaises et internationales.

Le Doctrinal Plus est désormais disponible sous l’intitulé “Bases de données” sous la lettre “D”.

ISI Web of Knowledge – Expanded Content

As of 2010, the Consortium Luxembourg Portal offers you access to all entries from 1975 until the present day in the following Web of Knowledge products:

  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index

And of course, you still have access to the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science and Social Science & Humanities from 1990 to the present day.

Don’t forget that the Web of Knowledge can be searched directly in the Portal.  Look for the Searchable type and symbol in the portal entry:

Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL)

Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL) and Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL) have both now been added to the Consortium Luxembourg Portal.

BTL contains a constantly growing number of Latin texts from Antiquity and Late Antiquity, and from medieval and modern Latin. Some one million new word forms have been added since 2006. Approximately 13 million word forms are now accessible electronically.

TLL provides access to the contents of all lexicon articles published up to 2008 (that is the letters A–M, O, P–pomifer, porta–pulso), the articles in the Onomasticon volumes (letters C and D), the Index librorum and the Praemonenda de rationibus et usu operis, a multilingual introduction to the printed version of the Thesaurus.

A completely new user interface links both databases, so that for the first time the Thesaurus and the texts of the Teubneriana can be accessed from one search screen by selecting the “BTL + TLL Search” tab.

American Film Index Catalogue and Film Index International

The Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of two new indexes to the offering on the Consortium Luxembourg Portal:

  • American Film Index Catalogue: the premier, authoritative resource of American film information, covering the history of American cinema comprehensively from 1893 to 1974, with records for selected major films from 1975-2008; and
  • Film Index International: a major information resource for entertainment films and personalities produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute.  The Film Index International provides truly international coverage, indexing films from over 170 countries.

Que sais-je?

Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer l’ajout d’un nouveau produit dans le portail du Consortium Luxembourg, “Que sais-je?”.  “Que sais-je?” est la collection d’ouvrages encyclopédiques de poche des PUF et est désormais disponible sous l’intitulé “Bases de données” sous la lettre “Q”.


A new database, Bankscope, has been added to the Consortium Luxembourg Portal.

A database of 29,199 banks worldwide
Information on over 29,199 (13,757 US) banks around the world including: 16 years of detailed accounts (country specific “as reported” and standardised), ratios, ratings and rating reports, ownership, country risk and country finance reports.