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Hein Online

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of a new database to the Consortium Luxembourg Electronic Documentation Portal, Hein Online – English Reports, Law Journal Library, Legal Classics and Treaties and Agreements Library.

English Reports

The English Reports, Full Reprint (1220-1865) online edition delivers exact page-images of the original bound reprint edition, containing more than 100,000 cases, together with the Indexes and Book of Charts. In addition, multiple navigation tools, such as a Case Locator, Chart Tool, and an Advanced Search feature enhance the ease of access to specific cases.

Law Journal Library

HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library contains more than 1,530 law and law-related periodicals. Coverage is from the first issue published for all periodicals and goes through the most-currently published issues allowed based on contracts with publishers. Search by article title, author, subject, state or country published, full text, and narrow by date.

Legal Classics

The HeinOnline Legal Classics Library offers more than 1,800 works from some of the greatest legal minds in history, including Joseph Story, Louis Brandeis, Benjamin N. Cardozo and Edwardo Coke. In addition to many “classics”, this collection includes rare items that are found in only a handful of libraries around the world.
The collection focuses on constitutional law, political science, and other classic topics.

Treaties and Agreements Library

The Treaties and Agreements Library includes all U.S. treaties, whether currently in-force, expired, or not-yet officially published. This is the world’s largest and most complete online collection of U.S. treaties and agreements and includes such prominent collections as the United States Treaties and Other International Agreements set (commonly referred to as the “Blue set”), as well as famous sets from Bevans, Miller, Malloy and others.

The databases can be found under the letter “H” in the “Find Database” tab or by clicking here.

Note: These databases are only accessible from within the National Library of Luxembourg and the University of Luxembourg.


Music Treasures Consortium

The Library of Congress has launched the Music Consortium Treasures website that gives online access to some of the world’s most valued music manuscript and print materials from six esteemed institutions.

The aim of the site is to further music scholarship and research by providing access in one place to digital images of primary sources for performance and study of music.

The Music Treasures Consortium website is the creation of the music libraries and archives in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Joining the Library are The Juilliard School’s Lila Acheson Wallace Library, the British Library, the Eda Kuhn Loeb Music Library at Harvard University, the Morgan Library and Museum and the New York Public Library.

Items digitized include manuscript scores and first and early editions of a work. Seminal composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Wagner, Claude Debussy, Georges Bizet, Arnold Schoenberg and Igor Stravinsky, among others, are represented on the site through their original handwritten manuscripts and first editions. The on-line items range from the 16th century to the 20th century in this initial launch.

The Music Treasures Consortium website is accessible via Consortium Luxembourg’s portal under the letter “M” in the “Find Databases” tab or by clicking here.

Editions Législatives

Consortium Luxembourg a le plaisir de vous annoncer qu’à partir de votre portail vous avez accès à deux fonds documentaires chez Éditions Législatives : ELNET Social (Code permanent social) et ELNET Environnement et Nuisances (Code permanent environnement et nuisances).

ELNET Social vous fournit 171 études thématiques traitant l’ensemble du droit du travail et de la protection sociale:

  • Embauche, contrats de travail et conditions d’emploi;
  • Absences, congés, maladie;
  • Licenciement, démission et autres modes de rupture du contrat de travail;

ELNET Environnement et Nuisances donne accès à près de 180 études couvrant tout le droit des pollutions et de la protection de la nature :

  • Installations classées;
  • Acteurs, principes, et outils;
  • Eau;
  • Déchets;

Ces produits sont disponible sous la lettre “C” de l’onglet “Bases de données” du portail du Consortium Luxembourg ou en cliquant ici.

Après avoir connecté sur le site d’Éditions Législatives, il faut créer un nom d’utilisateur en cliquant sur le bouton “m’identifier” qui se trouve en haut à droite sur la première page et puis sur le bouton “Créer mon compte”.


Créer mon compte

Le compte personnalisé vous offre plein de bénéfices notamment le paramétrage de votre page d’accueil et de recevoir les alertes par e-mail.  Vous trouverez ici une prise en main rapide pour l’utilisation du site.


Lextenso – accès à 9 revues supplémentaires

Consortium Luxembourg a le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous avez, dès aujourd’hui, accès à 9 revues supplémentaires de Lextenso.  La base en ligne de propose un accès au 18 titres de référence publiés chez Lextenso éditions.  Notamment:

  • Bulletin Joly Bourse
  • Bulletin Joly Sociétés
  • Cahiers sociaux du Barreau de Paris
  • Cahiers de l’Arbitrage | The Paris Journal of International Arbitration
  • Gazette du Palais
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit bancaire
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit de l’immobilier et urbanisme
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit de la famille et des personnes
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit de la propriété intellectuelle
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit des assurances
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit des contrats
  • L’ESSENTIEL Droit des entreprises en difficulté
  • Petites affiches
  • Répertoire du notariat Defrénois
  • Revue des contrats
  • Revue du droit public
  • Revue française de finances publiques
  • Revue générale du droit des assurances

Plus de 600 000 décisions (constitutionnelles, judiciaires et administratives), issues des bases de jurisprudence Légifrance, sont également disponibles en texte intégral et reliées, le cas échéant, vers les commentaires présents sur le site.

Lextenso est disponible sous la lettre “L” de l’onglet “Bases de données” du portail du Consortium Luxembourg ou en cliquant ici.

(Note: Lextenso est accessible uniquement en interne à la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg ou l’Université du Luxembourg).

European Views of the Americas: 1493-1750

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of a new database to the Consortium Luxembourg Electronic Documentation Portal.

European Views of the Americas contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. It covers the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of native American peoples. A wide range of subject areas are covered; from natural disasters to disease outbreaks and slavery. The original bibliography was co-developed by John Alden and Dennis Landis, Curator of European Books at The John Carter Brown Library. The John Carter Brown Library, founded in 1846, is a foremost repository of rare books and materials and is a center for advanced research in history and the humanities.

The database can be found under the letter “E” in the “Find Database” tab or by clicking here.

Springer e-Books

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of Springer e-books to the Consortium Luxembourg Electronic Documentation Portal.

Access is provided to all English and German language Springer e-books from 2005 to 2010 inclusive.  The books cover a variety of subjects including:

  • Behavioral Science;
  • Biomedical and Life Science;
  • Business and Economics;
  • Chemistry and Materials Science;
  • Computer Science;
  • Earth and Environmental Science;
  • Engineering;
  • Humanities, Social Science and Law,
  • Mathematics and Statistics;
  • Medicine;
  • Physics and Astronomy; and
  • Professional and Applied Computing.

Topics covered in the German collection include:

  • Medizin;
  • Technik & Informatik;
  • Natur- und Basiswissenschaften incl. Mathematik;
  • Wirtschaftswissenschaften; und
  • Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften.

The e-books are accessible in one of two ways:

1.  If the print edition of the book is in catalogue, then access to the electronic version is automatically provided from book’s details screen.

2.  Connect directly to SpringerLink e-books using the link that can be found under “S” in the “Find Database” section of the portal or by clicking here.


New Emerald Journals Added to the Portal

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of two sets of Emerald journals to the Consortium Luxembourg Portal:

  • Emerald Accounting and Finance Journals – A collection covering quantitative and qualitative research across the field, including in sustainability, financial regulation, accounting education and Islamic finance.  For details on the journals included in this collection, click here.
  • Emerald Information and Knowledge Management Journals – A collection representing important perspectives within today’s knowledge economy, with over a quarter of its titles indexed by Thomson Reuters (ISI).  Foro details on the journals included in this collection, click here.

These journals are available via the “Find e-journal” (or “Périodiques”) option in the Consortium Luxembourg Portal.

Oxford Art Online / Grove Art Online

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of Oxford Art Online to the Consortium Luxembourg Portal.

Oxford Art Online is an innovative gateway that offers users the ability to access and search the vast content of Grove Art Online and Oxford art reference in one location.

With the 2008 complete redesign of Grove Art Online, as well as the addition of substantial new Oxford reference content, Oxford Art Online offers the most extensive and easily searchable online art resource available today, a virtual art reference library of unparalleled scope and depth.

Oxford Art Online can be found under the letter “G” (for Grove) in the “Find Database” tab or by clicking here.

World Bank’s Annual World Development Report Online

Access to the World Bank’s open access collection, World Development Report Online, is now available directly from the Consortium Luxembourg Portal.

First published in 1978, the “World Development Report,” or WDR, is the World Bank’s annual flagship publication on development. Each report provides in-depth analysis and policy recommendations on a specific and important aspect of development—from agriculture, the role of the state, transition economies, and labour to infrastructure, health, the environment, and poverty.

A free optional individual user account allows users to take advantage of tools such as bookmarking and saving selected chapters or reports, saving searches, and taking notes.

It can be found in the Find Database tab under the letter “W” or by clicking here.