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Additional Nature titles available

Nature Publishing Group LogoConsortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we are now offering access to 11 new titles of Nature Publishing Group (NPG).
NPG is a publisher of high impact scientific and medical information in print and online. It publishes journals, online databases, and services across the life, physical, chemical and applied sciences and clinical medicine.

As from now we are offering access to journals listed below. Please note that these journals are only available inside the buildings of CRP Henri Tudor, CRP Gabriel Lippmann and CRP Santé.

Certainly, Nature can still be accessed remote for every user!

You will find all Nature journals on in the e-journals menu, either by searching or by choosing “locate” tab and selecting “Nature” as vendor.

Need help? Nature provides several interesting videos on its own very interesting YouTube channel. If you want know more about, for example, advanced searching on, watch this video:

Weitere Duden-Bände auf Munzinger Online verfügbar

Anlässlich des 100-jährigen Firmenjubiliäums von Munzinger im März 2013 wurde das online verfügbare Duden-Paket von 3 auf 17 Bände vergrössert.
Alle User können nun die folgenden Duden-Bände auf Munzinger Online durchsuchen:

  • Deutsches Universalwörterbuch
  • Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
  • Das Synonymwörterbuch
  • Das Herkunftswörterbuch
  • Richtiges und gutes Deutsch
  • Großes Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
  • Recht
  • Das Große Fremdwörterbuch
  • Das Lexikon der Wirtschaft
  • Lexikon der Vornamen
  • Wörterbuch der Abkürzungen
  • Familiennamen – Herkunft und Bedeutung
  • Das große Wörterbuch der Zitate und Redewendungen
  • Geographische Namen in Deutschland
  • Wörterbuch der Szenesprachen
  • Wörterbuch der New Economy

Der Schwerpunkt liegt demnach nicht mehr nur auf deutscher Rechtschreibung und dem Universalwörterbuch, sondern es lassen sich auch Informationen zu Fachausdrücken aus Recht, Medizin und Wirtschaft, Namens-Lexika oder Zitate und Redewendungen abrufen.

Die neuen Bände lassen sich hier durchsuchen:
Zudem findet sich der “Duden” in der Liste der Datenbanken auf unter dem Buchstaben “D”.

Neben Duden-Werken finden sich auf Munzinger Online diverse deutschsprachige Nachschlagewerke zu Biographien aus Sport und Pop, Länder-, Geschichts-, Musik und Film-Informationen sowie Kindlers Literatur Lexikon.

Trial: Proceedings of the Royal Society A & B

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased announcing the trial for two journals of the Royal Society: Proceedings of the Royal Society A & B.

Proceedings A has an illustrious history of publishing pioneering and influential research articles across the entire range of the physical and mathematical sciences. These have included Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory, the Braggs’ first account of X-ray crystallography, Dirac’s relativistic theory of the electron, and Watson and Crick’s detailed description of the structure of DNA. The journal publishes research papers, as well as short reviews containing original and interesting new ideas.

Proceedings B is the Royal Society’s flagship biological research journal, dedicated to the rapid publication and broad dissemination of high-quality research papers, reviews and comment and reply papers. The scope of the journal is diverse and is especially strong in organismal biology. Currently, it is particularly strong in ecology in the widest sense, and behavioural and evolutionary biology. Proceedings B also publishes significant numbers of papers in health and disease, palaeontology and biomechanics, as well as molecular biology, neuroscience and cognition, where these bear upon organismal biology.

You will find Proceedings A and Proceedings B as well as further journals of the Royal Society which are available open access on Simply click the “locate” tab in the e-journals area and choose “Royal Society” as vendor.

If you want to access both journals directly, please use the following links:
Proceedings A:
Proceedings B:

The Proceedings are available on trial until the end of 2013!

New content: PressDisplay, your online newspaper portal

Trouvez la version française ci-dessous is pleased to announce the addition of PressDisplay, an online newspaper portal which offers more than 2.200 international newspapers and supplements in more than 54 languages. All titles are published in their original format and layout, including full text search and images.
The newspaper portfolio covers more than 90 countries including Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Portugal and Germany.  PressDisplay provides access to newspapers on their publication day.
You would like to read last weekend’s issue? Don’t worry – our readers have access to up to 90 days (depending on title) of full back issues including job vacancies and property market.
Do you look for a specific article? Simply use the keyword full-text at the top of the website for performing a search based on issue, newspaper title, country or language. Articles, pages or custom areas within a page can be printed for private purposes.

A few examples of newspapers available on PressDisplay:

  • Luxembourg: Luxemburger Wort
  • France: Le Figaro, Le Monde, …
  • Belgium: Het Laatste Nieuws, De Morgen, De Standaard, …
  • Portugal: Diário de Noticias, Publico, …
  • Germany :  Der Tagesspiegel, Rheinische Post, Handelsblatt, …
  • United Kingdom: The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent, Observer, …
  • International: International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, …

Please note that PressDisplay can only be accessed inside the buildings of  the National Library and the University of Luxembourg.

All titles can be found in our eJournal search on PressDisplay can also be found by selecting the letter “P” via the “Find databases” tab. There is also a direct link:

If you have any questions please check and or send us en email at . We look forward to hearing from you!

Download User Guide

Vérsion française

Nouveau dans : PressDisplay, un portail d’accès à la presse quotidienne du monde entier

À partir du portail vous avez maintenant accès à PressDisplay, offrant l’accès aux versions électroniques de plus de 2.200 quotidiens et suppléments du monde entier dans plus de 54 langues, dès le jour de leur parution, dans leur langue et leur format d’origine.
Une sélection de titres publiés dans plus de 94 pays sont disponibles, le Luxembourg, la France, la Belgique, le Portugal , l’Italie et l’Allemagne inclus. Leur lecture est facilitée par les outils de navigation et d’une interface simple à utiliser avec découpage par article.
Vous avez manqué le numéro du dernier week-end ? Pas de souci ! Les lecteurs de la Bibliothèque nationale et de l’Université du Luxembourg ont l’accès jusqu’à 90 jours (variable selon titre) d’archives complètes y inclus les petites annonces, le marché de l’emploi et le marché de l’immobilier inclus.
Vous cherchez un article spécifique? Vous pouvez rechercher dans le contenu en haut de l’écran pour effectuer une recherche basé sur numéro, titre du quotidien, pays ou langue. Des articles, pages ou sections individuels peuvent être imprimés ou téléchargés pour des raisons privées.

Quelques exemples qui sont disponibles sur PressDisplay :

  • Luxembourg : Luxemburger Wort
  • France : Le Figaro, Le Monde, …
  • Belgique : Het Laatste Nieuws, De Morgen, De Standaard, …
  • Portugal: Diário de Noticias, Publico, …
  • Allemagne : Der Tagesspiegel, Rheinische Post, Handelsblatt, …
  • Royaume-Uni: The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, Independent, Observer, …
  • International : International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, …

Veuillez noter que PressDisplay est seulement accessible à l’intérieur des bâtiments de la Bibliothèque Nationale et de l’Université du Luxembourg.

Vous pouvez accéder aux titres soit en cliquant sur “PressDisplay” dans la liste de bases de données sous la lettre “P”, soit en cherchant les titres dans la liste de périodiques dans le portail Un accès direct est possible avec ce lien :
Si vous avez des questions veuillez voir ici et ou envoyez-nous un email:

Télécharger guide d’utilisation (en anglais)

New content: MIT Press eBooks Library—Computing & Engineering Collection

Shortly before Christmas, Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of “The MIT Press eBooks Library – Computing and Engineering Collection”. This special collection features over 500 eBooks within the fields of computer science and engineering technologies, with approximately 40 new titles to be introduced each year. The collection features numerous titles that have won the American Publishers Award for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE). Each eBook meets The MIT Press rigorous review processes and the collection covers a wide range of technology disciplines including:

  • Bioengineering
  • Communication, networking, and broadcasting
  • Components, circuits, devices, and systems
  • Computing and processing
  • Engineered materials, dielectrics, and plasmas
  • Engineering profession
  • Fields, waves, and electromagnetics
  • Geoscience
  • Power, energy, and industry applications
  • Robotics and control systems
  • Signal processing
  • Transportation

An advanced search engine will allow you to find and download specific chapters within eBooks that will be discoverable on the IEEE Xplore platform.

You can browse and search the eBooks by choosing “MIT Press” in the vendor section in our eBook search. Jump to eBook search.

For a full list of the eBooks available in this collection, click here.

Alternatively, you can select the “MIT Press eBooks Library-Computing & Engineering Collection” entry via the “Find Databases” tab under the letter “M” for accessing the platform.

New content: International Financial Reporting Standards

The eIFRS is the standard setting body responsible for the development of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), permitted or required by over 100 countries across the world.

Library members will now have immediate online access to all the most up to date material issued by the IASB (International Accounting Standards Board).

eIFRS comes with a powerful ‘Search Standards’ function and the standards are fully hyperlinked with cross references, searchable by issue date and much more.

You have exclusive online access to:

  • The full text, the online equivalent of the printed bound volume, of the most up to date versions of all the current IFRSs, IASs and Interpretations
  • Any post bound volume pronouncements, so that you know that you are always completely up to date
  • IASC Foundation education material including summaries and user guides on the official text of each IFRS and IAS, with extensive hyperlinked cross-references and annotations, including relevant IFRIC agenda decisions
  • The latest version of translated IFRSs/IASs
  • The full text of the IASC Foundation Constitution, the IASB Framework, a glossary and index.
  • etc.

You can access the eIFRS database by clicking here.

“eIFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards” can also be found by selecting the letter “E” via the “Find databases” tab.

New content: ebooks of European Mathematical Society

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the addition of ebooks of the European Mathematical Society to

This ebook collection of the European Mathematical society includes more than 100 works, all published between 2004 and the present. You will find, among others, Zurich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics, EMS Textbooks or IRMA Lectures in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. All books can be downloaded as pdf.

For a full list of the ebooks available in this collection, click here.

These ebooks can be found in our ebook search as well. Alternatively, you can select the “EMS eBooks – European Mathematical Society” entry via the “Find Databases” tab under the letterE.

New tutorials online!

Frequent users of and our blog may know our How to guides-series / Guides d’utilisation.

Since evolved a lot during last year, we decided to revise these guides. Now we are proud to announce our new new tutorials for using! We updated all the old How-to-guides and added new ones.

We changed the structure of our tutorials. As you can see in our blog’s navigation the old How-to-Guides tab disappeared, but the Help menu has 3 new sub-menus:

Get started, Basics and Advanced.



Under you will find out how to get your free library card and access to

In the Basics menu ( you can explore the basic services has to offer: Our episodes start with practical information: from how to search up to finding databases, journals or e-books,  information on Interlibrary Loan and much more.

If you want to get the most out of searching with, please visit the Advanced menu ( You will find several episodes about creating personal lists and saving searches which will make it easier to stay up-to-date and make your searches easier and more efficient.

All episodes are available in English and French. A German version will follow.

You can either read one episode after another, but since they are all linked to each other you can also simply explore them by topic.

Clicking on the help tab or going to itself will give you an overview of all episodes.

If you need further assistance such as lost passwords etc., please check our new FAQ tab or go to


New feature: e-book search

After a successful trial of a new e-book search during the last weeks, Consortium Luxembourg is today releasing a new e-book search, giving visibility to the 80.000 e-books on

We are still working on further integration of e-books into, alongside databases and e-journals. That’s why the current release is “beta”.

ebook-search findit.luSimply click on the “ebooks”-tab which you will find at the top of and check it out!

For a long time you only could search for e-books by using the “e-books” QuickSet on our main page. It could take some time to get back results and it was impossible to get an overview of all e-books available. This update gives you a new way to search for more than 80.000 current scientific and scholarly e-books by title, author, ISBN or publisher. Provided that the cover of the book is available, it will also be displayed in your search results.
The number of e-books will increase dramatically as we will be adding older, public domain books, including novels, which have been digitised by libraries around the world.

Please find a detailed tutorial for using the e-book search here.

If you have any questions or would like to provide us with feedback, please feel free to post your comments on this blog. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ovid releases OvidOpenAcess

Ovid has just announced the launch of OvidOpenAcess with immediate and unrestricted access to thousands of full-text resources from peer-reviewed and scholarly international journals.

OvidOpenAcess includes:

  • A growing list of over 70,000 journal articles and abstracts from more than 200-peer reviewed and highly cited clinical and research journals published by Medknow Publications, one of the world’s largest Open Access publishers and affiliated with more than 160 professional medical societies and associations
  • Bibliographic citations of articles published in more than 1,000 unembargoed journals accessible through PMC (formerly known as PubMed Central), a critical digital source of biomedical literature—much of it hard-to-find archival material—from the U.S. National Institutes of Health
  • A wide variety of medical and scientific disciplines, including nursing, general medicine, pharmacology, and alternative medicine, as well as evidence-based medicine and research

Finding the OpenAcess-content is quite easy: Within a single search you will find freely available content displayed in a separate search results set.

Search results with OpenAccess-Teaser
By clicking “View All Open Access Results” the full result list is displayed. Additionally, you can save and export your OvidOpenAccess search results into a project or folder in My Projects.


Results list for OvidOpenAccess