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Prix Nobel de littérature pour l’année 2014

Medal Nobel PrizeLe prix Nobel de littérature pour l’année 2014 est attribué à l’écrivain français Patrick Modiano « pour cet art de la mémoire avec lequel il a fait surgir les destins les plus insaisissables et découvrir le monde vécu sous l’Occupation ».
(Communiqué de presse de l’Académie suédoise)

« Né en 1945, Modiano a publié son premier roman, La Place de l’étoile, en 1968, et reçu dix ans plus tard le prix Goncourt pour Rue des boutiques obscures. En 1996, ce sera le Grand Prix national des lettres pour l’ensemble de son œuvre. Et maintenant, le Nobel pour définitivement consacrer une carrière littéraire d’une trentaine de romans qui ont raconté le Paris de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. » (Le Monde)

Ebooks sur Patrick Modiano sont maintenant disponibles via et

>> Patrick Modiano en ligne sur

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New journal: Nature Scientific Data

Header Nature Scientifc Data

Everybody is talking about data. Experimental scientists live and breathe data. Theorists are challenged by data. Funders are wondering how to make the data produced with their support more accessible without stretching their budgets. Research communities are seeking new data repositories, and standards to support them. And scientific publishers are wondering how to host data and provide quality control.

Scientific Data is a new journal, launched by Nature’s publishers in May 2014 that will help to address some of these challenge. It’s an open-access, online-only publication for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets, and exists to help researchers to publish, discover and reuse research data.

Scientific Data primarily publishes Data Descriptors, a new type of scientific publication designed to promote an in-depth understanding of research datasets. Data Descriptors combine traditional scientific article content with structured information curated in-house, and are devised to maximize data reuse and enable searching, linking and data-mining.
Data Descriptors include detailed descriptions of the methods used to collect the data and technical analyses supporting the quality of the measurements, but do not contain tests of new scientific hypotheses, extensive analyses aimed at providing new scientific insights, or descriptions of fundamentally new scientific methods. Find more information about Data Descriptors here.

Scientific Data aims to address the increasing need to make research data more available, citable, discoverable, interpretable, reusable and reproducible.

You may access Scientific Data directly; alternatively you’ll find the link at > e-journals.

Le saviez-vous? Musica International – Banque de données du chant choral

Musica International

MUSICA est un outil de recherche documentaire chorale en même temps qu’un outil pédagogique au service des chefs de choeur, musicologues, conservatoires, bibliothèques musicales, magasins de musique, etc…mais aussi des amateurs et curieux du répertoire choral.

Le projet Musica International veut collecter les données de l’intégralité de la musique chorale du monde dans un même outil. C’est un projet international, et la banque de données est donc multilingue (en français, allemand, anglais et espagnol). Musica International décrit à ce jour plus de 164.200 partitions chorales, 29.400 biographies de compositeurs, 2.200 éditeurs de musique chorale.

Musica International est disponible sur dans l’onglet “Bases de données”.

Pourquoi Musica International est mieux que Google :

AAAS/Science free special collection on the Ebola virus

ebola promo

Given the current outbreak, unprecedented in terms of number of people killed and rapid geographic spread, Science and Science Translational Medicine have made this collection of research and news articles on the viral disease freely available to researchers and the general public.

View the special collection here.

Nouveau dans le portail : LuxAccount

LuxAccount logoLa base de données LuxAccount est à présent disponible via pour les lecteurs de la BnL et l’Université du Luxembourg.

LuxAccount est un outil de travail unique. Une banque de données réalisée par des experts luxembourgeois réputés pour des professionnels luxembourgeois spécialisés en droit comptable et fiscal, droit des sociétés, droit du travail et droit de la sécurité sociale.

LuxAccount est la source d’informations par référence des professionnels du chiffre au Luxembourg.

Vous trouvez les modules suivants dans la base de données :

  • Comptes annuels
  • Consolidation
  • Impôt des sociétés
  • TVA
  • Conseil
  • Chiffres utiles
  • IFRS
  • Jurisprudence luxembourgeoise
  • News (taxTODAY Luxembourg)
  • ACE (magazine luxembourgeois)
  • RLB – Revue luxembourgeoise de Bancassurfinance et archives online

LuxAccount est disponible sur dans l’onglet “Base de données” sous la lettre “L” ou en cliquant ici.

Veuillez noter que LuxAccount est seulement accessible à l’intérieur des bâtiments de la Bibliothèque Nationale et de l’Université du Luxembourg.

En outre, vous avez accès à monkey.BE est la base de données en ligne pour les professionnels de la Fiscalité & de la Comptabilité, contenant:

  • des informations actuelles applicables dans votre pratique quotidienne,
  • des actualités,
  • des lettres d’information et des revues avec leurs archives,
  • des informations pratiques (chiffres, addresses etc.),
  • des modèles intelligents et des formulaires,
  • des commentaires administratifs: COMIR, manuel TVA,
  • la jurisprudence dans tous les domaines fiscaux et en droit des sociétés (plus de 33.000 arrêts et jugements),
  • la législation pertinente, des questions parlementaires, circulaires, décisions TVA, décisions anticipées etc.

Vous trouvez le lien vers monkey.BE sur LuxAccount (Menu « Info étrangère » / « External info ») ainsi que sur, dans la liste des bases de données sous la lettre « M ». Lien direct :

Journal of Innovation Management – The International Journal on Multidisciplinary Approaches on Innovation

Dr. Anne-Laure Mention, head of the Innovation Economics & Service Valuation unit, at the CRP Henri Tudor, is co-editor of the Journal of Innovation Management.

The Journal of Innovation Management adopts a multidisciplinary perspective on innovation. In doing this, it fills an existing gap by hosting visionary and eloquent research streams enabling the understanding of innovation, appreciating differentiation and striving for academic excellence and insights for practice. The Journal aims at paving new ways of fostering innovation and at bridging the gaps between the different communities involved in the definition of innovation policies, in the analysis of the innovation process and its multiple outcomes, and in its implementation in both public and private entities. It brings the reality of innovation at hand by fostering a philosophy of true innovation management by encapsulating insights, valuable experiences and theoretical streams. With this initiative, the Founding Editors aim at creating a new “Blue Ocean” and at reconfiguring the publishing “arena” by combining the best of both worlds while adopting simultaneously a visionary approach on innovation management and the current shift occurring in the business model of publishing practices.

Furthermore, the Journal of Innovation Management aims at hosting the debate for innovation, whatever form and facet it takes, and its management. Particular attention is paid to the multidisciplinary nature of the innovation, thus embracing both its technological features and its managerial process. Issues of the journal will typically contain academic papers, letters from industry thought leaders, academics, and policy makers, book reviews and commentaries. Four issues per year will be released, and some special issues are also foreseen, so as to concentrate on dedicated themes, which will be addressed from multiple angles. The ultimate aims are to foster cross fertilization across disciplines, to bridge gaps between academia, practice and policy making, to raise awareness on innovation and entrepreneurship, its challenges and its impact as well as to shape new reflections and thoughts on innovation, and its management. A broad scope of readership in innovation and entrepreneurship is expected. With its full open access policy, the Journal of Innovation Management is a platform for exchanging ideas in both horizontal and vertical dimensions of innovation management. The idea is to publish topical research works, practitioners’ insights and case studies on innovation with true multidisciplinary flavor.

The 3rd issue is forthcoming and should be available during the Summer.

To read issue 1 and 2, please visit

Emerald: A celebration of football

Logo Emerald PublishingEmerald is kicking off the football frenzy and is offering a selection of football-related research articles from the Emerald Management eJournals Database.

As the world’s focus turns to Brazil, these insightful articles offer a different perspective on what it means to host a ‘mega’ event, both from a business and supporter perspective, covering topics related to economics, tourism and hospitality, marketing and branding.

Read now
An overview of the influences of climate conditions on the FIFA 2014 World Cup in Brazil
Walter Leal Filho (2014), International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management
One element which has largely been overlooked in the preparations for the 2014 FIFA World Cup is the connection between climate change, variable climate conditions and their impacts on the performance of players.

Go to to view all articles on the Emerald website dealing with lessons from football/sports events or fan’s involvement.

Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-first Century” available via

Front Cover Capital in the Twenty-First CenturyWhat are the grand dynamics that drive the accumulation and distribution of capital? Questions about the long-term evolution of inequality, the concentration of wealth, and the prospects for economic growth lie at the heart of political economy. But satisfactory answers have been hard to find for lack of adequate data and clear guiding theories. In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty analyzes a unique collection of data from twenty countries, ranging as far back as the eighteenth century, to uncover key economic and social patterns. His findings will transform debate and set the agenda for the next generation of thought about wealth and inequality.

Piketty shows that modern economic growth and the diffusion of knowledge have allowed us to avoid inequalities on the apocalyptic scale predicted by Karl Marx. But we have not modified the deep structures of capital and inequality as much as we thought in the optimistic decades following World War II. The main driver of inequality—the tendency of returns on capital to exceed the rate of economic growth—today threatens to generate extreme inequalities that stir discontent and undermine democratic values. But economic trends are not acts of God. Political action has curbed dangerous inequalities in the past, Piketty says, and may do so again.

A work of extraordinary ambition, originality, and rigor, Capital in the Twenty-First Century reorients our understanding of economic history and confronts us with sobering lessons for today.

Source: Harvard University Press

“Capital in the Twenty-First Century” is now available via as an ebook! Simply go to – Find Databases – Letter “E” and choose EBSCO eBook Collection (ecm) to find this ebook below other titles chosen by our librarians.

Direct link to “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”

Codecademy – Learn to code interactively, for free.

codecademy logoCodecademy helps millions of learners around the world get the skills they need to succeed in today’s digital world — all in a way that’s fun, free, and accessible anywhere. Codecademy offers an entirely new, networked approach to learning in which you interact with students across the globe, build amazing projects, and – most important – apply your skills to improve your life.

How it works
Codecademy is different from any other learning experience; it’s designed to complement the way people want to learn in the twenty-first century. On Codecademy, learners discover concepts by actually building things and getting constant feedback from peers. Learning and demonstrating skills become one and the same – and students are always left with something tangible to show for their efforts. The community of millions of learners is at the ready to help everyone achieve the outcome they want, through study groups, question and answer forums, and more.

Courses for following computer languages are offered at the moment:

Life-changing knowledge should be free and easily accessible to anyone, and on Codecademy it is, with thousands of courses available for free online and yet more available for users on the mobile apps for iPhone and iPad. Most of all, Codecademy‘s students have access to one another, as well as the tools they need to make each other smarter, more skilled, and more productive.

Codecademy can be accessed by selecting the letter “C” via the “Find databases” on There is also a direct link: Codecademy

The Bluebook Online

The BluebookWe are happy to announce that we’re now offering online access to the The Bluebook Online .

The Bluebook is the definitive style guide for legal citation in the United States. For generations, law students, lawyers, scholars, judges, and other legal professionals have relied on The Bluebook’s unique system of citation. In a diverse and rapidly changing legal profession, The Bluebook continues to provide a systematic method by which members of the profession communicate important information about the sources and authorities upon which they rely in their work.

The Bluebook can be accessed by selecting the letter “B” via the “Find databases” tab or in the journal’s list on is also a direct link: The Bluebook  

Since there is a limit of 5 concurrent users (“5 parallel seats”), please use the “Release Seat” button as soon as you’ve finished your research to allow other users to access the site. This button is located in the top right corner of the page.