Open Access

Open Access Publishing: National Library of Luxembourg signs transformative agreement with Cambridge University Press

The National Library of Luxembourg (BnL) and Cambridge University Press have signed a three-year transformative agreement, which provides access to content from academic journals and covers the cost of open access publishing, signaling a significant step forward in the world of Open Access Publishing.

The agreement, which takes effect immediately, enables researchers and authors from the Consortium Luxembourg (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg Institute of Health, National Library of Luxembourg, Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law) to publish their research in Cambridge University Press’s prestigious academic journals under open access principles, without being charged with additional publishing fees.

This will not only help in promoting the visibility of the research and academic community of Luxembourg on the global stage, but also provide greater access to the latest research findings.

The transformative agreement marks an important milestone in the Consortium’s efforts together with the participating institutions to expand access to scholarly information. By working with Cambridge University Press, the National Library of Luxembourg hopes to advance its mission to support research, innovation and education in Luxembourg and beyond.

In the same vein, the BnL has already signed an agreement with Taylor & Francis Group in 2021.

Open Access Publishing: National Library of Luxembourg signs transformative agreement with Taylor & Francis Group

The National Library of Luxembourg (BnL) and Taylor & Francis Group have signed a new three-year “read and publish deal” which offers access to journals content as well as open access publishing for researchers at participating institutions (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg Institute of Health).

This agreement gives academics from the participating institutions the option to publish their work in Open Select (hybrid) and full open access journals without paying publishing charges and covers all articles up to an agreed cap. The deal also provides researchers with continued access to Taylor & Francis Group journals and articles.

“We are thrilled to be working with the National Library of Luxembourg to facilitate researchers making their work open, maximising both its reach and impact.” says Carolyn Kirby, OA Business Development Director, Taylor & Francis Group. “The agreement aligns with the Open Access mandate from the Luxembourg Research Fund (FNR), enabling authors to choose open access publishing with us.”

Patrick Peiffer of BnL says: “We are proud to partner with Taylor & Francis Group on this transformative agreement, helping our members to both share their work as widely as possible and to control costs through this landmark consortial agreement.”

Taylor & Francis Group is committed to open access, offering a variety of open access publishing options to meet the needs of each author, with rapid online publication, high visibility and discoverability for published research.

Patrick Peiffer:
Jennifer McMillan: or

About Taylor & Francis Group
Taylor & Francis Group partners with researchers, scholarly societies, universities and libraries worldwide to bring knowledge to life. As one of the world’s leading publishers of scholarly journals, books, ebooks and reference works, its content spans all areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Behavioural Sciences, Science, Technology and Medicine.
From its network of offices in Oxford, New York, Philadelphia, Boca Raton, Boston, Melbourne, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, and New Delhi, Taylor & Francis staff provide support to editors, societies and authors as well as tailored, efficient customer service to our library colleagues.

About the National Library of Luxembourg
The National Library of Luxembourg (BnL) is the largest scientific library in Luxembourg holding more than 1.8 million physical documents as well as a growing number of online resources.
As a heritage library, the BnL hosts an essential part of the nation’s memory as all publications published in or about Luxembourg are collected through legal deposit. The printed Luxemburgensia collection is further complemented by both digital-born publications and by documents digitised by the BnL. The BnL is also a research library and offers its users access to international works in all areas of knowledge.

ICOLC Statement on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Library Services and Resources

This statement, written on behalf of the many library consortia across the world that participate in ICOLC (International Coalition of Library Consortia), and the individual libraries these consortia represent, has two purposes. It is intended to help publishers and other content providers from whom we license electronic information resources and purchase printed content (hereafter simply referred to as publishers) understand better how the current global COVID-19 pandemic affects the worldwide information community. Its second purpose is to suggest a range of approaches that we believe are in the mutual best interest of libraries and the providers of information services.

The ICOLC participating consortia consider the current crisis of such significance that we cannot simply assume that libraries and publishers share a common perspective about the magnitude of the crisis and the best approaches to cope with it. ICOLC members have been exchanging perspectives about how the global COVID-19 pandemic will impact consortia and their member libraries.

At this time according to UNESCO, partial or complete university and school closures in 49 countries have canceled or suspended classes for 391 million students.

Many college and university students will be completing the current academic term in an entirely on-line format, so the campus communities can practice social distancing as recommended by the World Health Organization and many other national and global health agencies.

We ask that Publishers immediately consider:

  1. Making any relevant content and data sets about COVID-19, Coronaviruses (regardless of species affected), vaccines, antiviral drugs, etc. currently behind subscription-only paywalls Open Access immediately to facilitate research, guide community public health response, and accelerate the discovery of treatment options.
  2. Removing and waiving all simultaneous user limits to an institution’s licensed digital content during this period when universities are going all online in order to allow research, discovery, and learning to proceed.
  3. Lifting existing contractual ILL restrictions or photocopying limits temporarily so that libraries may assist our students to complete their term.
  4. Allowing the maximum extent of copyright limitations, exception and fair use, even if contractually restricted, to enable institutions to continue their vital teaching missions as campuses transition to an online, remote format.

We ask that publishers begin planning to:

  1. Allow flexible renewal periods and lengthened payment due dates as we do not know the future impacts on health or business operations for either consortium staff who facilitate the renewal, or for the librarians at our member institutions. If the regular renewal cycle is disrupted, we ask that publishers keep access on for our member libraries, even though the consortium’s or institution’s current agreement may have expired.
  2. Delay or minimize any planned price increases until the upheaval and disruption that we are seeing in our user communities, public health systems, and stock markets all over the world calms. The financial impacts on institutions of higher education and the global economy are as yet unknown, and price increases will add even more pressure to already-stressed universities and municipalities. In stable times, standardized pricing and terms may work relatively well. But today, libraries will be under heavy pressure to divert financial resources to other areas of immediate concern within the institution or local government.
  3. Develop plans to temporarily lift paywalls or develop alternative methods of authentication to allow access to subscribed content if traditional campus authentication mechanisms (VPNs, proxy servers) are overloaded under the increased traffic.
  4. Lift campus-only restrictions, so that teaching activities can continue online and remotely, despite University closures.

We encourage publishers to work together with consortia and libraries for the benefit of all communities. Library consortia are uniquely positioned to be the most effective and efficient means to preserve the customer base for publishers and create solutions that provide the greatest good for the greatest number.

It is in the best interest of both publishers and consortia to seek creative solutions that allows critical access to publisher content for the research and public health communities.

In combination, we suggest these approaches as a way to advance the conversations among libraries, consortia, and publishers, who all hope to provide as much information as possible to the users who need it. We believe our recommendations provide a solid foundation for the information community, including the publishers of scholarly information, to go forward together in these difficult times.

We want to express appreciation to the information services community for steps they are taking to address the global crisis.


Contact Persons:

ICOLC Coordinating Committee Members:

  • Rick Burke, Chair (2018-2021), Statewide California Electronic Library Consortium | SCELC | USA
  • Anita Cocchia (2019-2022), British Columbia Electronic Library Network | BC ELN | Canada
  • Teri Gallaway (2018-2021), The Louisiana Library Network | LOUIS | USA
  • Lucy Harrison (2019-2022), GeorgiA LIbrary LEarning Online | GALILEO | USA
  • George Machovec (2017-2020), Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries | Colorado Alliance | USA
  • Sandrine Malotaux (2018-2020), Consortium unifié des établissements universitaires et de recherche pour l’accès aux publications numériques | Couperin | France
  • Patrick Peiffer (2020-2022), Consortium Luxembourg | Luxembourg
  • Pim Slot (2020-2022), SURFmarket | UKB | The Netherlands
  • Glenn Truran, South African National Library and Information Consortium | SANLiC | South Africa
  • Celeste Feather, ex officio for administration, LYRASIS | USA

About ICOLC:

The International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) is an informal, self-organized group currently comprising approximately 200 library consortia in North and South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa. The member consortia serve all types and sizes of libraries. ICOLC has been in existence since 1996.

ICOLC supports participating consortia by facilitating discussion on issues of common interest. Twice per year ICOLC conducts meetings dedicated to keeping participating consortia informed about new electronic information resources, pricing practices of electronic information providers and vendors, and other issues of importance to directors, governing boards, and libraries of consortia. From time to time ICOLC also issues statements regarding topics which affect libraries and library consortia.

More information about ICOLC can be found at

Bibliothèques numériques du futur – Nouvelles pistes et collaborations au Colloque ICOLC (The International Coalition of Library Consortia) à la BnL

La section du Consortium Luxembourg de la BnL a accueilli du 20 au 23 octobre 2019 la coalition internationale de consortiums assurant la gestion de ressources électroniques pour bibliothèques, centres de recherche et universités.

Le colloque, organisé en collaboration avec le Fonds national de la recherche, a rassemblé 114 participants venant de 31 pays différents. Parmi les invités furent Marc Schiltz, secrétaire général du Fonds national de la Recherche, Jean-Claude Burgelmann, Open Access Envoy de la Commission Européenne (direction générale de la Recherche et de l’Innovation), ainsi que Monique Kieffer, directrice de la Bibliothèque nationale.”. (Photo jointe au communiqué)

Ce colloque a permis un échange d’idées par rapport aux nombreux défis que les gestionnaires d’infrastructures numériques et scientifiques relèvent à l’ère du numérique. Plusieurs projets ont été présentés :

  •  Le projet ezMetrics « easy-metrics » a suscité un grand intérêt parmi les participants. Il s’agit d’une collaboration entre la BnL d’une part et d’autre part l’INIST-CNRS Nancy (Institut de l’Information Scientifique et Technique – Centre national de la recherche scientifique) et Couperin, le Consortium français pour l’accès aux publications numériques. ezMetrics repose sur l’évaluation de l’utilisation des contenus numériques sous licence, le monitoring des activités de lecture auprès des éditeurs classiques et des plateformes libres d’accès. Il permet une analyse de données mieux structurée.
  • Un projet-pilote entre la BnL, le FNR (Fonds national de Recherche) et la société Chronos a pour objectif de transformer le processus de publication scientifique, en connectant les institutions et les éditeurs par un outil de gestion automatisé. La BnL gèrera les ressources Open Access du FNR de manière centralisée et procèdera à la collecte automatisée des données sur les publications scientifiques luxembourgeoises. Ce projet aidera la BnL à assurer de façon efficace ses missions de préservation numérique à long terme. Une convention a été signée le 22 octobre 2019 par les trois principaux acteurs.
  • Parmi les moments forts du colloque fut également la présentation de l’outil «Research Output Manager », résultat d’une collaboration de 15 mois entre la BnL et la startup danoise ConsortiaManager. L’outil permet de gérer et modéliser tous les flux de paiements entre chercheurs et éditeurs pour la diffusion des publications scientifiques. Il y inclut des processus de publication nouveaux, tels que l’Open Access.

Ces projets innovants permettront aux instituts scientifiques, centres de recherche et bibliothèques de développer la voie vers l’Open Science (la recherche scientifique accessible à tous) grâce à la libre consultation via le web (Open Access).

Plus d’informations :

ICOLC- qu’est-ce ?

The International Coalition of Library Consortia comprend actuellement environ 200 consortiums de bibliothèques en Amérique du Nord et du Sud, en Europe, en Australie, en Asie et en Afrique. Ces consortiums gèrent l’acquisition de ressources numériques : e-books, e-journals et bases de données toutes disciplines. L’ICOLC existe depuis 1996.

Open Access – qu’est-ce ?

L’Open Access vise la mise à disposition gratuite de contenus numériques, d’ordre scientifique, sur le web et ceci dans le respect des droits d’auteur. Le libre accès se traduit en deux variantes définies en 2002 par l’Initiative de Budapest pour le libre accès (BOAI) : la voie dorée (publication d’articles dans des revues en libre accès) et la voie verte (archives ouvertes). L’Open Access est sujet de beaucoup de discussions entre universitaires, bibliothécaires, éditeurs scientifiques et décideurs politiques. Il existe un désaccord sur le concept de libre accès, avec un grand débat autour de ses répercussions économiques.

Que sais-je ? en e-learning

Découvrez le tout nouveau service d’e-learning proposé par la célèbre collection “Que sais-je ?

Afin d’accompagner ses nouvelles parutions littéraires en librairies, “Que sais-je ?” a développé pour ses lecteurs une plateforme de formation en ligne.

Par le biais de parcours thématiques décomposés en chapitres puis en leçons, vous pourrez soit découvrir, soit compléter vos connaissances sur le sujet abordé dans l’ouvrage “Que sais-je ?” qui y fait référence.

Vous ne voulez pas oublier ce que vous venez d’apprendre ? L’outil “Antisèche” (aide-mémoire) est fait pour vous ! 

Vous pouvez également tester votre tout récent savoir grâce au “Quiz“.

Les plus : 

  • les sources
  • une carte des connaissances qui se remplie des notions que vous avez rencontrées pendant vos leçons et que pouvez retrouver en un seul clic

Nous vous invitons à découvrir le premier parcours déjà disponible en ligne sur “Mai 68ici.




EUA publishes Big Deals Survey report, the first European-level mapping of major scientific contracts in Europe

The European University Association (EUA) has published the outcomes of its first Big Deals Survey, an original initiative pursued by the association to gather more information about large scientific publishing contracts from the perspective of universities (known as ‘Big Deals’).

The EUA Big Deals Survey Report: The first mapping of major scientific publishing contracts in Europe presents data from 28 negotiating consortia (including Luxembourg). The data were gathered between July 2016 and June 2017. Data were anonymised and aggregated, thus respecting the confidential nature of the information provided by respondents. The survey focused on the functions and working process of consortia, as well as on the conditions of contracts for big deals concerning scientific periodicals, databases and e-books. The results of the survey show that consortia broadly represent the interests of relevant stakeholders from the university and library sectors and are largely driven by researchers’ needs.

The outcomes of the survey revealed, for the first time on a European scale, the magnitude of spending in big deal contracts with scientific publishers. Stark variations in the expenditure on big deal contracts across different European countries were also identified. In addition, the results of this survey point out the fact that university leadership is only directly involved in the negotiation process with publishers in about one-third of consortia, while funding for these contracts comes largely from the university and public sectors.

The EUA Big Deals Survey was developed by recommendation of the association’s High-Level Group on Big Deals and following the objectives and actions planned in the EUA Roadmap on Open Access to Research Publications adopted by EUA Council in January 2016.

A second edition of the survey will be launched shortly. The findings of the present report and those of the upcoming survey will continue to inform EUA’s work in the policy area of Open Science, namely in the association’s efforts to contribute to a more open, efficient and transparent scientific system.

More information

EUA Big Deals Survey Report: The first mapping of major scientific publishing contracts in Europe

EUA webinar: The landscape of ‘Big Deal’ contracts across Europe: views from the university sector

Lancement de la bibliothèque numérique de la bibliothèque Mazarine


Plus ancienne bibliothèque publique de France, riche de plus de 600 000 ouvrages, la bibliothèque Mazarine vient d’ouvrir son portail numérique, baptisé Mazarinum.

Constituée d’un large corpus d’incunables, cette bibliothèque numérique intégrera également une quarantaine de manuscrits médiévaux, des archives, ainsi qu’un exemplaire intégral de la première édition de l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert.

Son moissonnage par les bases Gallica et Europeana est en cours.

Bibliothèque numérique Mazarinum

Lancement de la bibliothèque numérique de la bibliothèque Mazarine


Plus ancienne bibliothèque publique de France, riche de plus de 600 000 ouvrages, la bibliothèque Mazarine vient d’ouvrir son portail numérique, baptisé Mazarinum.

Constituée d’un large corpus d’incunables, cette bibliothèque numérique intégrera également une quarantaine de manuscrits médiévaux, des archives, ainsi qu’un exemplaire intégral de la première édition de l’Encyclopédie de Diderot et d’Alembert.

Son moissonnage par les bases Gallica et Europeana est en cours.

Bibliothèque numérique Mazarinum

PhilPapers: philosophical research online

Logo PhilPapersConsortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now offering remote access to PhilPapers, one of the major research tools in philosophy.
PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. Using advanced trawling techniques and large scale crowdsourcing, PhilPapers monitors all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. They also host the largest open access archive in philosophy.

Monitor current research

  • Browse new issues of over 1000 philosophy journals
  • View the latest papers from online archives and authors’ home pages

Explore the literature

You may access PhilPapers via

Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels

A.W. SchlegelAugust Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845) ist unter den bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Autoren, Kritikern und Gelehrten der Romantik sowohl der vielseitigste als auch der am meisten unterschätzte.

Das Projekt “Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels unter der Leitung der SLUB Dresden führt die gesamte Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels, also ca. 4.500 Briefe, die zum Teil gedruckt, zum Teil bislang jedoch nur handschriftlich überliefert sind, in einer digitalen Edition zusammen.

Mit dieser Betaversion werden zunächst rund 3.500 Originalbriefe, fast alle gedruckten 2.450 Briefe, davon rund 1.000 mit einem mehrgliedrigen Register versehen (viele Einträge davon noch in Bearbeitung), 23 Transkriptionen und 20 Kurzbiographien von Korrespondenzpartnern freigeschaltet. Die wichtigen Editionen Josef Körners (Briefe von und an August Wilhelm Schlegel. Gesammelt und erläutert durch Josef Körner.Eintrag in sind damit erstmals mit hohem Nutzungskomfort frei zugänglich. Druck und Handschrift (sofern zugänglich) werden weitgehend synoptisch präsentiert.

Projekt “Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels”