Content Change

PressDisplay becomes PressReader

pressreader-banner new

Pressdisplay, the platform for international newspapers and magazines has been relaunched and has now become PressReader. NewspaperDirect has optimized the website and app for a comfortable reading experience on mobile phones and tablets.

On PressReader you may enjoy  more than 3.000 newspapers and magazines from more than 100 countries in 60 languages online in full-colour, full-page format. Access includes classifieds and all supplements and all newspapers are updated daily and archived for 3 months.
The digital newspapers and magazines can be accessed on a Desktop PC or Mac via a web browser or on a mobile device using the PressReader app. Get the PressReader app and download and read the latest news on your mobile device. The PressReader app allows you to download up to five newspapers and read them offline for a 7 day period.

A few examples of newspapers available on PressReader:

  • Le Monde
  • Corriere della Sera
  • Le Figaro
  • La Gazzetta dello Sport
  • Libero
  • Der Tagesspiegel
  • The Washington Post
  • Tribune de Genève
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung
  • The Guardian
  • Le Parisien (Paris)
  • IL Tempo – Nazionale
  • Le Figaro Magazine
  • Magazine M
  • Mundo Deportivo

Please note that PressReader can only be accessed inside the buildings of  the National Library and the University of Luxembourg!

Direct link to PressReader

All PressReader titles can also be found in


PressReader for Mobile – only in University!

  • Go to any of University of Luxembourg locations.
  • Connect your tablet or smartphone to University WI-FI
  • Download the latest version of “PressReader” Mobile App from your app store.
  • Launch PressReader, pick your title and enjoy reading!
    The titles can be read for 7 days. After 7 days return to University, re-authenticate and you may continue for another 7 days!

Please note that the only way to download PressReader newspapers and magazines is to use the PressReader App in University of Luxembourg’s WiFi.

More help
PressReader Walk Thru Guide
PressReader Help Videos

Arrêt des bases Francis et Pascal au 31 décembre 2014

S’inscrivant dans le cadre du nouveau projet de l’Inist « Ingénierie des Connaissances 2014-2018 », les bases de données bibliographiques Francis et Pascal cesseront d’être alimentées au 31 décembre 2014.

Les archives Francis et Pascal constituées par plus de 22,5 millions de références seront par la suite ouvertes en libre accès au cours de l’année 2015. L’Inist négocie actuellement auprès de ses distributeurs (Ebsco, Ovid, ProQuest, STN), les modalités du maintien de ces archives sur les plates-formes dédiées afin d’assurer la continuité du service durant cette phase de transition, afin que celle-ci s’effectue dans les meilleures conditions.

Plus d’information sur la nouvelle stratégie du CNRS:

Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à envoyer un e-mail à!

The new SciELO Citation Index

Consortium Luxembourg’s access to Web of Science has been enhanced by a new searchable index: the SciELO Citation Index. You are now able to search and view critically important regional content with international impact.
SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) is a program of the Sao Paulo Research Foundation for the cooperative publishing of open access journals on the internet. It is supported by the National Council of Scientific and Technological Development and is a partnership with the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. SciELO content includes regional journals from Latin American and the Caribbean as well as titles from Spain, Portugal and South Africa.
Continuing to expand Thomson Reuters’ content from rapidly emerging and increasingly influential regions, all Web of Science users now have access to scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities published in leading open access journals from Latin America, Portugal, Spain, the Caribbean and South Africa.

Regional content with international influence

  • Search and view critically important regional content with international impact to get a comprehensive picture of the influencers and drivers of regional research:
  • Approximately 650 titles (over 350 adding content to journals already covered in the Web of Science)
  • Over 4 million cited references
  • Open access with links to full text through the SciELO site
  • An easy search experience with local language interface


  • Agricultural sciences
  • Applied social science
  • Biological sciences
  • Engineering
  • Exact and earth sciences
  • Health sciences
  • Linguistics, letters and arts
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Social sciences

Watch a short video introduction here:

Access Web of Science here or click on the picture:

Scielo Citation Index on Web of Knowledge

New ScienceDirect and Scopus interface now live

science-direct-scopus-logoThe new ScienceDirect and Scopus interfaces have been redesigned to allow for a more productive search and discovery experience. The primary goal of the interface redesigns was to streamline the number of steps a user needs to take to accomplish the most common tasks.

Specific enhancements include:

  • Implementing a new visual style resulting in a cleaner overall user interface
  • Applying more action-driven functionality with some features only appearing when a user performs an action
  • Enhancing the ability to export directly to reference management tools such as Mendeley

To learn more about the ScienceDirect and Scopus releases, please use the following resources:

Cancellation update 2014

Several products show low usage on As the Consortium Luxembourg is confronted with a difficult budgetary situation and as the respective vendors were unwilling to lower their prices, it was decided to discontinue these products.

Effective January 1st 2014, the following products have been deleted completely from

The subscription to the « International Journal of Sports Medecine » (G. Thieme Verlag) is also cancelled but thanks to perpetual access rights you may continue to access all issues from 2000-2013 on
For further assistance or questions, please send an e-mail to

No access to 2014 Springer eBooks

Accommodating the rising costs of electronic publications is difficult as they have risen much faster than inflation in the past years, while budgets stagnated. Therefore the Consortium Luxembourg is unable to continue to add new eBooks published in 2014 to its Springer eBook collection.
This decision affects only Springer eBooks to be published in 2014, those will not become available on Access to eBooks published from 2005-2013 continues without any changes!

We’re hoping to be able to update our Springer licence with the 2014 eBooks titles as soon as the current funding situation improves.
For further assistance or questions, please send an e-mail to

Subscription update: Wiley and Oxford University Press

In order to deal with our current budget situation and rising license costs of electronic subscriptions, the Consortium Luxembourg was unable to add new journal titles to two journal collections in 2014. Access to historical titles (including 2014 issues) will continue!

This decision affects:
Oxford University Press Journals: Our ongoing subscription to Oxford University Press Journals includes all journal titles which were part of the OUP collection in 2012. For these titles, all the latest issues published in 2014 will be available. For journal titles launched or acquired by Oxford University Press after 2012, no access at all will be available.

Wiley Online Library: Our ongoing subscription to the Wiley Online Library includes all journal titles which were part of the Wiley collection in 2010. For these titles, all the latest issues published in 2014 will be available. Only for journal titles launched or acquired by Wiley after 2011 no issues will be available.

We’re hoping to be able to update our subscriptions with the additional journal titles as soon as the current funding situation improves.
For further assistance or questions, please send an e-mail to

Scirus is set to retire in early 2014

Scirus, Elsevier’s free search engine, will be shutting down in January 2014. In a message to users, they stated no more content will be added starting immediately.

Elsevier’s statement:

“With regret we are writing to inform you that Scirus, Elsevier’s free science-specific search engine, will be discontinued in early 2014. While a firm retirement date has not yet been set, it will likely be sometime by or before 31 January 2014.

We realize that this decision may disappoint you. The reality is that Scirus has lost its competitive edge to other platforms and services. Rather than attempt to catch up, Elsevier has instead made the difficult decision to retire Scirus and redirect even more attention to the continuous improvement of our core products. Our company fully expects that these efforts will yield more impact and therefore be of greater benefit to our customers and their research communities, allowing us to serve our content partners more effectively.
Effectively immediately, Elsevier has stopped adding new content sources for indexing on Scirus and we are no longer adding or supporting any new Open URL library partners. The Open URL program in which you are currently participating will continue until Scirus is retired.”

DUDEN auf MUNZINGER Online: “Die deutsche Rechtschreibung” – 26. Auflage

Wir freuen uns, mitteilen zu können, dass seit einigen Tagen die komplett überarbeitete 26. Auflage des DUDEN-Standardwerks „Die deutsche Rechtschreibung“ auf Munzinger Online verfügbar ist. In der neuen Auflage, auf die wir bereits Zugriff haben, finden sich ca. 5000 neue Wörter von der Arabellion über den Shitstorm bis hin zum Vollpfosten. Mit dieser Aktualisierung des Wortschatzes bewegen Sie sich im Wandel der Gegenwartssprache stets auf der sicheren Seite. Die bewährten gelben Hervorhebungen empfohlener DUDEN-Schreibweisen bei mehreren richtigen Möglichkeiten wurden selbstverständlich beibehalten.

Der Wortschatz hat sich in den letzten Jahren weiterentwickelt. Wer auf dem aktuellen Stand der Sprache sein und alle neuen Wörter richtig schreiben will, braucht den neuen Duden.

Die neue Ausgabe des Duden lässt sich hier durchsuchen:
Zudem findet sich der “Duden” in der Liste der Datenbanken auf unter dem Buchstaben “D”.