IEEE Xplore has introduced, amongst others, two new features as of April 2011:
- The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online; and
- The Complete List of Citations of Journal Article Abstracts (including other publishers).
The IEEE Standards Dictionary Online
The IEEE Standards Dictionary is a comprehensive database of standards terminology which provides access to over 39,000 standards terms and is fully integrated into the IEEE Xplore interface. This dictionary can be accessed in three ways:
a. From your search results
Perform a search and you will find, on the right-hand side, a box containing relevant terms:
When you click on a term, the dictionary will provide all definitions of that term:
b. From the abstract page
Once you have accessed the abstract page, the standard dictionary terms are available directly on that page:
c. Browse the dictionary
Also from your search results page, you can browse the dictionary:
Browsing can be done alphabetically or by standard/technology:
Citations by Other Publishers
The IEEE Xplore journal article abstract has always displayed a list of other IEEE documents that have cited the article. Since April 2011, a list of all articles that have cited the document from any publisher participating in CrossRef’s Cited-By Linking program will also be included. This information will be added for all IEEE journal articles and goes as far back as 1929.