New Function

DUDEN auf MUNZINGER Online: “Die deutsche Rechtschreibung” – 26. Auflage

Wir freuen uns, mitteilen zu können, dass seit einigen Tagen die komplett überarbeitete 26. Auflage des DUDEN-Standardwerks „Die deutsche Rechtschreibung“ auf Munzinger Online verfügbar ist. In der neuen Auflage, auf die wir bereits Zugriff haben, finden sich ca. 5000 neue Wörter von der Arabellion über den Shitstorm bis hin zum Vollpfosten. Mit dieser Aktualisierung des Wortschatzes bewegen Sie sich im Wandel der Gegenwartssprache stets auf der sicheren Seite. Die bewährten gelben Hervorhebungen empfohlener DUDEN-Schreibweisen bei mehreren richtigen Möglichkeiten wurden selbstverständlich beibehalten.

Der Wortschatz hat sich in den letzten Jahren weiterentwickelt. Wer auf dem aktuellen Stand der Sprache sein und alle neuen Wörter richtig schreiben will, braucht den neuen Duden.

Die neue Ausgabe des Duden lässt sich hier durchsuchen:
Zudem findet sich der “Duden” in der Liste der Datenbanken auf unter dem Buchstaben “D”.

A whole new look for zbMATH is now online!

zbMATH, formerly Zentralblatt MATH, is a comprehensive source of bibliographic data, reviews and abstracts from all areas of pure and applied mathematics as well as its applications, in particular to the natural sciences, computer science, economics and engineering. It also covers history and philosophy of mathematics and university education.

The new zbMATH has now been online for a few days – featuring a new layout and innovative search functions. Since June zbMATH has offered a much clearer look and feel, coupled with additional search functions.

zbMATH – the facts:

  • The new, easier-to-use search function rapidly delivers precise results for documents, authors, journals etc.
  • The new filter function analyzes results in real-time, helping users to further refine their search terms and successfully carry out complex searches.
  • Includes the integrated swMATH-database – a key feature for users searching for mathematics software.
  • More than 3 million indexed entries from over 3,500 journals, 1,100 series and 170,000 books from 1868 to the present.
  • Daily updating and more than 120,000 new entries every year.
  • Reviewed by more than 7,000 experts from around the globe.

zbMATH offers an essential tool for mathematicians working at academic institutes, and for all others who use mathematics in their careers.

You can access zbMATH via inside the buildings of National Library and University of Luxembourg by selecting the letter “Z” via the “Find databases” tab.

Download complete book – Springer

As of now you will be able to download complete books of the Springer collection. So far, it was only possible to download single chapters. Starting from now, the more comfortable way of downloading a complete book is offered.

You can browse and search the Springer eBooks by choosing “Springer Link” in the vendor section in our eBook search. Jump to eBook search.

If you want to access the books directly, please use the following link: Springer ebook collection

La nouvelle version Vodeclic V5 est désormais accessible !

Vodeclic a le plaisir de vous présenter la nouvelle version de sa solution de formation : Vodeclic V5.

Après plusieurs mois d’études et de développement, l’équipe Vodeclic a développé un nouvel espace de formation plus performant, plus rapide et d’une ergonomie plaçant l’utilisateur au cœur de la solution.

Cette nouvelle version renforce plus que jamais leur vision d’entreprise permettant à chaque utilisateur de se former sur tous les sujets qui l’intéressent, à son rythme et quand il en a besoin. Toutes les composantes essentielles de la solution Vodeclic (catalogue exhaustif de formations, exercices, évaluations, planning, glossaire, bloc notes…) sont renforcés, pour plus de performance pédagogique.

Nous vous invitons à vous connecter dès maintenant pour découvrir la nouvelle ergonomie révolutionnaire de la plate-forme Vodeclic V5.

Visite guidée en vidéo – L’outil de recherche nouvelle génération pour les bibliothèques luxembourgeoises

Logo A-Z.luDans le cadre de sa stratégie de développement des services en ligne pour promouvoir la société de la connaissance dans toutes les couches de la population, la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg (BnL) a lancé lundi 6 mai un outil de recherche nouvelle génération. Ce nouveau moteur de recherche, accessible via le portail , permet désormais aux internautes de découvrir facilement, à partir d’un seul point d’accès,

  • les collections (livres, revues, films, …) des quarante bibliothèques du réseau,
  • les contenus numérisés par la BnL dans le cadre de son projet eluxemburgensia,
  • une grande partie des publications de la bibliothèque numérique du Consortium Luxembourg pour la gestion et l’acquisition de publications électroniques, financées par la Bibliothèque nationale, l’Université et les trois centres de recherche publics, Gabriel Lippmann, Henri Tudor et Santé. permet ainsi de rendre plus visible l’importante offre documentaire, sous forme imprimée ou numérique, à disposition au Luxembourg. En effet, regroupe environ 1.2 millions de notices bibliographiques issues du catalogue collectif et plus de 2 millions d’articles de presse numérisés d’eluxemburgensia, accessibles en texte intégral. Les usagers inscrits à la Bibliothèque nationale et à la Bibliothèque de l’Université ont accès à de multiples bases de données, ebooks et articles scientifiques de permet en outre de découvrir les archives littéraires du Centre national de littérature.

Afin d’orienter rapidement vers l’information recherchée, tout en évitant une surcharge d’informations, offre un masque de recherche qui permet à l’internaute de lancer facilement sa requête et d’avoir quasi instantanément une première liste de résultats qu’il peut affiner ensuite grâce à un système de filtres adaptatifs. Ainsi chaque usager peut d’une part visualiser en quelques instants l’offre de sa bibliothèque préférée ou bien avoir une vue d’ensemble de la totalité de l’offre documentaire à sa disposition dans les bibliothèques du Grand-duché. permet aux personnes détentrices d’une carte de lecteur des bibliothèques du réseau de réserver en ligne des documents imprimés ou audiovisuels de leur choix.

La BnL a cherché à développer un outil qui soit à la fois intuitif et puissant et qui, outre la rapidité de la recherche, offre encore une présentation claire et contextuelle des résultats ainsi que des accès directs aux documents en ligne. L’objectif primordial était d’implémenter un outil qui réponde aussi bien aux besoins  classiques des habitués des bibliothèques qu’aux exigences plus pointues des chercheurs de l’Université et des centres de recherche publics. a pour objectif d’inciter  le public non encore familiarisé avec l’offre des bibliothèques, en particulier les jeunes, adeptes de l’Internet et des fonctionnalités web 2.0, à découvrir leurs collections et  profiter au mieux des services proposés.

Afin de réaliser ce but, a été implémenté en collaboration avec les bibliothèques du réseau, dont fut issue un groupe de travail contribuant à formuler les besoins des différents types d’usagers.

La BnL implémentera dans un 2e temps une version d’, adaptée à l’accès par équipements mobiles.

Le développement de se situe dans le cadre des missions nationales de la BnL  en sa qualité de coordinatrice du réseau des bibliothèques luxembourgeoises et du Consortium Luxembourg dont elle gère les systèmes informatiques et outils connexes. Le réseau compte actuellement une quarantaine de membres de tous types, dont les bibliothèques des instituts culturels de l’Etat, la bibliothèque de l’Université, les bibliothèques de divers organismes publics ainsi que de nombreuses bibliothèques municipales et de lycées.
Le projet a bénéficié de l’appui constant de la ministre de la Culture Octavie Modert. Il est à situer dans la même lignée que le et le portail et est partie intégrante de l’action de la ministre de la Culture et de la ministre de la Fonction publique en faveur de la modernisation et de la simplification des services au public («Service um Bierger») par le recours aux technologies innovantes du numérique et de l’Internet. : L’outil de recherche nouvelle génération (présentation) : L’outil de recherche nouvelle génération (dépliant)


Update of Web of Knowledge federated search / search alerts

There was a recent update on searching within Web of Knowledge via Existing search alerts including the database “Web of Knowledge” have to be updated.

Before explaining how to update we will give you a small theoretical instruction:

Web of Knowledge in general is the name of the comprehensive research platform.
It consists of several databases containing different kind of information. Via you have access to the three citation databases (Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index) as well as to the two conference proceedings citation indexes (Conference Proceedings Citation Index Science and Social Sciences & Humanities).
Details can be found here:

If you searched Web of Knowledge using findit’s search engine in the past, you always searched through all databases Web of Knowledge consists of at once.

Thomson Reuter’s technical update doesn’t provide a search of Web of Knowledge on the whole via anymore.

There are two ways to deal with this update:

  1.  Choose one of the mentioned citation or conference proceedings databases to perform a search. Disadvantage: You are only searching one of the databases at once.
  2.  For advanced users who still want to search all databases with one search request we suggest to create a Quick Set with all sub-databases and / or use the MetaSearch.

Within the Web of Knowledge interface you can still perform a search above all databases at once.

You will find the “new” sub-databases by searching for “web of knowledge” in the “Find Database”-menu.

Search results for sub-databases of Web of Knowledge

Users holding search alerts which are searching Web of Knowledge are requested to delete the existing search alert and to add one or several new search alerts using the different sub-databases.

This is how to approach:

Connect to and choose My Space < History by clicking the x – sign next to the search alert which includes Web of Knowledge. Your old alert is now deleted.

Old search alert at findit.luPerform a new search by searching for the new sub-databases and click the magnifying glass icon next to one of the desired databases. Once you have a list of results from your search, you can create your new search alert.

Need help, creating a search alert? – See our How-to Series, Episode 9.

If you want to search more than one of the mentioned databases, please create a QuickSet (How-to Series, Episode 7) and use MetaSearch to create your search alert.

Need any further assistance? Contact us at

Maintenance Elsevier, Saturday 25th August

Elsevier’s ScienceDirect and Scopus are expected to be offline for approximately 19 hours beginning Saturday, August 25th, 2012 for scheduled maintenance for a new release. The databases will be offline from Saturday, 13:30, until Sunday morning.

Following improvements will be available after the update:

ScienceDirect: Efficient and effortless access to relevant information thanks to a new design for journal article and book chapter pages as well as improved user experience for e.g. RSS feeds, image search, and many other features and functionality
Scopus: Easy updates with Alerts Features functionality improvement

Apologies for any inconvenience.

Ovid releases OvidOpenAcess

Ovid has just announced the launch of OvidOpenAcess with immediate and unrestricted access to thousands of full-text resources from peer-reviewed and scholarly international journals.

OvidOpenAcess includes:

  • A growing list of over 70,000 journal articles and abstracts from more than 200-peer reviewed and highly cited clinical and research journals published by Medknow Publications, one of the world’s largest Open Access publishers and affiliated with more than 160 professional medical societies and associations
  • Bibliographic citations of articles published in more than 1,000 unembargoed journals accessible through PMC (formerly known as PubMed Central), a critical digital source of biomedical literature—much of it hard-to-find archival material—from the U.S. National Institutes of Health
  • A wide variety of medical and scientific disciplines, including nursing, general medicine, pharmacology, and alternative medicine, as well as evidence-based medicine and research

Finding the OpenAcess-content is quite easy: Within a single search you will find freely available content displayed in a separate search results set.

Search results with OpenAccess-Teaser
By clicking “View All Open Access Results” the full result list is displayed. Additionally, you can save and export your OvidOpenAccess search results into a project or folder in My Projects.


Results list for OvidOpenAccess

New Mega Index available: Primo Central

Try out the “Primo Central” Mega Index, select it and execute a query:

Primo Central is the next step in scholarly discovery tools: A single index which includes several hundred million references, abstracts and article full-text from a very large selection of publishers. Previously, only federated search allowed a simultaneous search of publications from different publishers. This functionality is called “Metasearch” in (a guide is available). Additionally, you can save such a selection of resources for future searches in a “Quickset” (guide) and, building on that, even have execute specific queries in these Quicksets as repeated “alerts” (guide).

While we will not abandon these features, there are some limitations in the concept of “Metasearch”. The most obvious is speed: the results can only be displayed once the slowest publisher has delivered. The second limitation is managing the result list, which can easily contain thousands of hits from different publishers. It is impossible, again for speed reasons, to download them all into and then index them locally to allow for easy browsing, for instance by author, publication year, etc. Currently, supports 30 to 50 results from each publisher, additional results are loaded on demand.

The new “Primo Central” mega index is a big step to solve these problems. It is an index that is pre-compiled fromreferences, abstracts and article full-text from a very large selection of publishers, overall it indexes sveral hundred million articles. This index is searchable in just one query, lightning fast and offers pre-compiled browsing of the results with facets, such as in the example screenshot below, a search for “service innovation”.

The current release is out of beta, fully functional, but not integrated yet with our subscriptions or print holdings. Stay tuned!

EBSCOhost now available as Android application

Ebscohost has just announced the launch of an Android application, in addition to its iPad/iPhone application.  To install, please follow the steps outlined below, they are identical for Android and the previously announced iPhone/iPad application (see post from May 2011).  Both Sections A and B below must be completed.

A. From a web browser on your computer or on your Android phone or tablet:

  1. Connect to the Ebscohost Mobile interface by clicking here : Ebscohost Mobile.
  2. Click the “Select/Deselect All” check box and click on “Continue”.
  3. Click the link “New: EBSCOhost iPhone and Android Applications”.
  4. Enter your e-mail address.  This must be the e-mail that you have configured in your device. In order for the Ebscohost authentication to work correctly, you must be able to click the links they provide in an e-mail from an eMail application on your device.  It will not work if you open your e-mail in a web browser!

B. From your Android phone or tablet:

  1. Open the e-mail sent to you by Ebscohost using your eMail application on your device and click the first link to install the application.
  2. Once the application is installed, click the second link in the e-mail. This will authenticate your installation with Ebscohost and allow you to have the same access as if you had connected to Ebscohost via the portal.

If you have any questions, contact us at help [at] consortium [dot] lu.