
Talk: Springer on Trends in science publishing

The University of Luxembourg is hosting a presentation on science publishing by Christian Caron, Springer Science and Business Media, Heidelberg.

“The internet has changed the way information is created, circulated, assessed, searched, retrieved and used. Often the great achievements e.g. in terms of easier access to information in general are emphasized, yet often litte is known about the challenges this poses to content providers from the technical and business point of views. The present talk gives an overview of these changes, challenges and opportunities at the academic/professional level of scientific publishing and in particular from the publisher’s point of view. Also, some selected new types of products and technical advances will be briefly reviewed.”

Springer made some waves a year ago when they purchased a large Open-Access publisher, Bio Med Central. This  acquisition followed Springer’s “Open Choice” program, an “author-pays” model that makes all articles available in open access for everyone else.

> Langue: Anglais
> Date: 18.06. 17h30-18h30
> Lieu: Campus Kirchberg, auditoire B02
> Info et inscription: http://jeudis.uni.lu