Author: jschulze

Now available at National Library: Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology Online

Encyclopedia of Information Science and TechnologyInformation acquisition and management has always had a profound impact on societal and organizational progression. However, as computing dramatically advances the level of intelligence associated with management technologies, the breadth of their dispersal, and ultimately the impact of the information itself, the utilization and management of information science and technology also gains profound importance. This change-driven environment creates a critical need for a comprehensive, up-to-date reference encompassing the full range of concepts, issues, methods, technologies, and trends associated with the field.

The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Third Edition is a 10-volume compilation of authoritative, research-based articles contributed by thousands of researchers and experts from all over the world. This discipline-defining encyclopedia serves research needs in numerous fields that are affected by the rapid pace and substantial impact of technological change. With an emphasis on modern issues and the presentation of potential opportunities, prospective solutions, and future directions in the field, it is a relevant and essential addition to any academic library’s reference collection.

You may access the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology inside the buildings of the National Library of Luxembourg.

Access via

Nouvelles bases de données en droit: Navis

navis-logoLes bases de données Navis Fiscal, Navis droit des affaires et Navis patrimoine et famille sont à présent disponibles via et pour les lecteurs de la BnL et l’Université du Luxembourg.

Navis Fiscal
Navis Fiscal est une base de données proposant l’accès à de nombreux types de documents (textes, doctrine, jurisprudence, codes) relevant du domaine du droit fiscal, au sein de la base générale Navis. Tous les textes de référence traitant des impôts directs, des taxes sur le chiffre d’affaires et l’enregistrement.

Navis droit des affaires
Navis droit des affaires rassemble, analyse et commente un éventail thématique très large et complet touchant à tous les aspects de la vie des entreprises.

Navis patrimoine et famille
Avec Navis patrimoine et famille, vous accédez à un fonds documentaire exhaustif pour développer votre expertise et donner le meilleur conseil à vos clients en matière de droit patrimonial et de la famille. Des réponses opérationnelles et précises, toujours à jour, avec les Mémentos Patrimoine, Sociétés civiles et Droit de la famille.


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Téléchargez le guide d’utilisation pour la plateforme ici: Guide d’utilisation Navis

Les bases de données Navis sont accessibles via (l’onglet “Bases de données” > N) et en cherchant sur

Pour des raisons de licences, Navis peut seulement être consulté dans les bâtiments (réseaux) de la Bibliothèque nationale et l’Université du Luxembourg.

Sage Journals Online – new titles 2015

Sage journals

Sage Premier is the online access to SAGE journal content in social sciences, business, humanities, and science, technology and medicine.

  • Online access to the most comprehensive, interdisciplinary and important journal content
  • Includes over 670 leading international peer-reviewed journals
  • Includes high-impact research titles published on behalf of over 290 scholarly and professional societies
  • The majority of SAGE Journals content is ranked in the ISI Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters)

40 new titles have been added in 2015 to Sage Journals, e.g.:

  • The British Journal of Occupational Therapy
  • Contemporary Review of the Middle East
  • Educational Horizons Magazine
  • Exceptional Children
  • Higher Education for the Future
  • History of Science
  • ILR Review
  • Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology
  • Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics
  • Journal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation
  • Journal of the Intensive Care Society
  • Language and Linguistics
  • OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health
  • Paradigm
  • Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
  • Social Currents
  • Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
  • Studies in Microeconomics
  • Studies in People’s History
  • Teaching Exceptional Children

Find the full list of newly added titles here.

All journals can also be found on and

You will also find the link to the platform on (Databases – S, Sage Journals Online) or simply search for “Sage” on


If you need help, have a look at the Sage Journals User Guide in English or French.
Prefer watching a short video? Go here: SAGE Journals Flash Demo.

New content: Routledge Handbooks Online

Routledge Handbooks Online

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now providing access to Routledge Handbooks Online. Routledge Handbooks Online (RHO) is the new online home for Routledge Handbooks, Companions, and Worlds content.

Routledge Handbooks Online brings together a highly acclaimed, world-class collection of handbooks spanning 18 diverse subject areas, all on one digital platform. Every handbook is edited by leading scholars, is peer-reviewed, and provides a definitive overview of a whole subject area or sub-discipline.

On RHO, every handbook chapter acts as a standalone piece of scholarship, complete with its own abstract and metadata, making it completely searchable and browsable, providing powerful functionality to the student and researcher.

All 300 titles DRM-free and content available as HTML and PDF, allowing functionality such as highlighting, adding notes, downloading, and printing.

Routledge Handbooks Online features collections in the following areas:

  • Archaeology & Classics
  • Asian Studies
  • Business & Economics
  • Communication,  Journalism, Media & Culture
  • Criminal Justice & Criminology
  • Education
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Health & Social Care
  • History
  • Law
  • Linguistics
  • Philosophy
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Security Studies
  • Sociology
  • Sport & Leisure
  • Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management

Routledge Handbooks are accessible for library card holders of the National Library as well as University of Luxembourg.

Access Routledge Handbooks Online here.

All ebooks can also be found via (ebook search) or

Oxford Scholarship Online ebooks now available

Oxford Scholarship OnlineWe are pleased to announce that Consortium Luxembourg now provides access to 990 ebooks (2013/14 publications) from Oxford Scholarship Online.

Oxford Scholarship Online (OSO) is a vast and rapidly expanding monograph database, bringing together the best scholarly publishing from around the world. Users can explore different subject areas, including Business and Management, Law, Political Science, Social Work or Psychology, helping to broaden users’ research horizons.

User benefits

  • View abstracts at book and chapter level for all titles – providing at-a-glance access to the content
  • Download chapters to PDF – enabling research on-the-go
  • Frequent update schedule ensures access to the latest titles at the forefront of academic scholarship
  • Share titles, chapters, abstracts, and search results with colleagues using social bookmarking tools and citation export

Start using Oxford Scholarship Online today at:
All ebooks can also be found on and

Download a short user guide here.

Neue Datenbank F.A.Z.-BiblioNet

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen ab sofort einen Zugang zum digitalen Archiv der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung anzubieten: dem F.A.Z.-Biblionet. Das F.A.Z.-BiblioNet enthält mehr als 1,6 Millionen Artikel der FAZ, der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung, der Rhein-Main-Zeitung und des FAZ.NET. Das Archiv reicht zurück bis zum 01.01.1993 (Sonntagszeitung und Rhein-Main-Zeitung ab 1996 und FAZ.NET ab 1999).
Ab dem 1.1.2001 sind alle Artikel aus der FAZ und Sonntagszeitung als ganze Zeitungsseiten im PDF-Format abrufbar. Zu jedem Artikel werden die zugehörigen Grafiken angezeigt. In der HTML-Anzeige befinden sich die Grafiken am Ende des Artikels. Fotos dürfen aus Copyright-Gründen nicht bereitgestellt werden. Die ganzen Zeitungsseiten im PDF-Format enthalten jedoch alle Grafiken, Fotos und Bilder.

F.A.Z.-Biblionet ist aus Lizenzgründen nur in den Gebäuden der Nationalbibliothek Luxemburg verfügbar.

Sie können das F.A.Z.-Archiv über (Datenbanken > F) und oder direkt über diesen Link erreichen:

Période d’essai:


Dans le cadre d’un accès d’essai ayant cours les deux prochains mois, vous pourrez consulter, un site de formation en ligne.

Vous y trouverez plusieurs centaines de cours en ligne dans le domaine des langues, de la bureautique, multimédia, musique, développement personnel et de la vie professionnelle.

Vous souhaitez apprendre l’anglais, apprendre l’italien, apprendre l’espagnol ou encore apprendre le chinois, découvrez notre collection de cours de langues qui vous permettra de parler une nouvelle langue en moins de 6 mois.

Vous préférez maîtriser le bilan et le compte de résultat, ou encore devenir un pro de l’analyse financière, découvrez nos différents modules de formation sur ces thèmes.

Trouvez plus de 70 cours sur tous les sujets du bien-être, du développement personnel, du développement professionnel, de la psychologie et de l’éducation. Ces cours vidéos sont ludiques, didactiques, complets et présentés par des auteurs de renommée mondiale (Jacques Salomé, Michèle Declerck, Boris Cyrulnik…).

Des cours en ligne sont désormais disponibles via

Vous pouvez y accéder soit en cliquant sur “” ici ou dans la liste de bases de données sous la lettre “T”.

ebook advent calendar: day 24

With a Christmas classic being the last window of our advent calender the team wishes everybody a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! By petercui (Bide Cui) ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

A christmas carol24 December

A Christmas Carol in Prose; Being a Ghost Story of Christmas
by Charles Dickens

Scrooge was a foul old man who wrapped his cold, uncaring heart in chains. Chains of greed. Bigotry. Contempt. Apathy. Selfishness. He detested the world, and was alone. Until the night his long-dead partner Marley appeared.

A hideous spectre forced to walk the earth forever, Marley was damned. As Scrooge would be…unless he agrees to face three ghosts. One would take Scrooge back to the memories he’d buried. One would show Scrooge the world of joy and friendship he’d rejected. One would force Scrooge into the dreadful shadow of the future he’d forged.

Three ghosts of Christmas. Of Christmas Past. Of Christmas Present. Of Christmas Yet to Come. All offering Scrooge a single gift–a chance.
A last chance to give love.
A last chance to join life.

Access ebook

If you prefer to watch the movie one of film adaptions, we recommend visiting the Médiathèque at the National Library: Loan DVD “A Christmas Carol”

Previous ebooks