Author: jschulze

Trial: Thieme ebook library

ThiemeLibraryConsortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re conducting a trial of Thieme E-Book Library through 30th June 2015.

The Thieme E-Book Library currently contains 81 illustrated full-color textbooks of which almost half have been ranked by Doody’s review service and provides students, researchers, and clinicians with access to an exciting online collection of lavishly illustrated full-color textbooks from Thieme’s renowned Color Atlases and Flexibook series.

You may download the medical textbooks to your tablets or PCs for use offline!

Top titles include books such as:

Fundamentals of Medical Physiology
Color Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol. 1
Medical Microbiology
Pocket Atlas of Pharmacology

Access and Functionality

  • User-friendly interface featuring high-quality full-color illustrations
  • Download books quickly, save and read full-text downloads offline
  • Easy navigation through interactive tables of content and detailed Indexes
  • Advanced searching tools for conducting field and full-text searches within individual books or throughout the entire E-Book Library
  • Personalized accounts allow users to create bookshelves, set bookmarks, add notes, copy and print content directly, or download and print full chapters

Access Thieme E-Book Library directly

To help familiarize yourself with the Thieme E-Book Library, please view the getting started guide.

Relaunch Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

REP-online-bannerRoutledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy was relaunched on 22nd April 2015.

To maintain REP Online as philosophy’s premier resource for research and reference, Routledge has a program of regular additions of new articles and revisions of existing content. This enables REP to reflect the most important developments in the field.

Since launching REP Online in 2001 over 300 new and revised articles have been added – expanding the Encyclopedia into fresh subject areas as well as increasing and updating coverage of established fields.

New to REP in 2015 are the archival versions of articles. It is now possible to view previous versions of an article that has been revised: earlier versions can be accessed via the tabs at the top of the articles, labelled ‘v1’, ‘v2’, etc., with v1 being the oldest version.

Also new in 2015 are the Playlists, guest-edited selections of articles that offer a personal angle on the rich and diverse content of REP Online. Compiled by leading scholars, they spotlight articles in new and emerging topics, or topics that have been overlooked. In REP’s first Playlist, General Editor Tim Crane provides the ideal introduction to REP Online and to philosophy.

Further enhancements

  • All articles begin with an accessible summary in bold, free to view for all users and significantly improving discoverability
  • Articles can be saved into labelled shortlists for easy reference  rep-shortlist button
  • Search has been improved to enable results  to be filtered on a greater number of facets

Access Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy via!

Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels

A.W. SchlegelAugust Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845) ist unter den bedeutendsten deutschsprachigen Autoren, Kritikern und Gelehrten der Romantik sowohl der vielseitigste als auch der am meisten unterschätzte.

Das Projekt “Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels unter der Leitung der SLUB Dresden führt die gesamte Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels, also ca. 4.500 Briefe, die zum Teil gedruckt, zum Teil bislang jedoch nur handschriftlich überliefert sind, in einer digitalen Edition zusammen.

Mit dieser Betaversion werden zunächst rund 3.500 Originalbriefe, fast alle gedruckten 2.450 Briefe, davon rund 1.000 mit einem mehrgliedrigen Register versehen (viele Einträge davon noch in Bearbeitung), 23 Transkriptionen und 20 Kurzbiographien von Korrespondenzpartnern freigeschaltet. Die wichtigen Editionen Josef Körners (Briefe von und an August Wilhelm Schlegel. Gesammelt und erläutert durch Josef Körner.Eintrag in sind damit erstmals mit hohem Nutzungskomfort frei zugänglich. Druck und Handschrift (sofern zugänglich) werden weitgehend synoptisch präsentiert.

Projekt “Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz August Wilhelm Schlegels”


Upgrade Wiley Online Library

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we upgraded our subscription for Wiley Online Library, one of the world’s most extensive multidisciplinary collections of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.

We are now offering access to more than 1,400 journals; all journals added to Wiley Online Library from 2011 to 2015 are now also accessible for users of Consortium Luxembourg.

Amongst others you have access to following journals:

Featuring a clean and easy-to-use interface, Wiley Online Library provides intuitive navigation, enhanced discoverability, expanded functionalities and a range of personalization and alerting options.

  • Easy to use interface: developed in consultation with users to deliver intuitive navigation and easy access to articles, chapters, references, and supplementary information.
  • Easy to find relevant content: discover more through reference linking, search filtering, related articles, and added value initiatives such as virtual issues, podcasts and dedicated subject pages.
  • Easy to keep up-to-date: content alerts and RSS feeds to keep you updated with the latest published research, including journal tables of contents, EarlyView and AcceptedArticles articles, and search results.

You may find all journals in and

Click here for direct access to Wiley Online Library.

Recommendend websites: Melchior – Le site des sciences économiques et sociales

MelchiorMelchior est un site de ressources pédagogiques en sciences économiques et sociales. Construit autour des grands thèmes enseignés dans la filière économique et sociale de terminale ES, Il est principalement destiné aux professeurs de sciences économiques et sociales des lycées et à leurs élèves. Mais il est évidemment ouvert à tous ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leurs connaissances en économie et en sciences sociales.

Les ressources Melchior

  • Les études de cas
    Elles sont bâties le plus souvent autour de l’expérience réelle d’entreprises françaises. Elles illustrent la manière dont les agents économiques forment leurs décisions sur des thèmes abordés dans les programmes.
  • Les faits d’actualité
    Ils permettent de décrypter les faits marquants de l’actualité au regard de ce que nous enseigne la théorie.
  • Livres et revues
    Cette rubrique propose des fiches de lecture d’ouvrages accessibles aux élèves dont la lecture peut être encouragée par les enseignants, ainsi que d’ouvrages plus directement destinés aux enseignants pour approfondir un point de programme ou une problématique. Vous trouverez également chaque trimestre deux articles issus de la révue Sociétal.
  • Glossaire et biographie
    Vous trouverez des définitions de notions essentielles ainsi que la biographie des grands économistes et des prix Nobel d’économie.
  • Ressources sur le web
    C’est une bibliothèque de liens utiles sur Internet. Ceux-ci sont classés selon leur type (rapports institutionnels, études, publications d’entreprises, revues de références) et le thème abordé.

Qui contribue à Melchior ?
Ses contributeurs sont des professeurs de SES, des professeurs d’Université et des économistes d’entreprise, tous motivés par la volonté de partager leurs connaissances et leurs expériences. C’est l’enrichissement et l’actualisation constante du site qui en font son intérêt.

Voir aussi: Pour la première fois, MELCHIOR vous propose un véritable MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) sur le thème des BANQUES.

Visitez aujourd’hui: Complete: Access to all titles of Nature Publishing Group.

banner nature small

Consortium Luxembourg is excited to be able to offer to all of our users access to Nature Publishing Group’s (NPG) Complete. This service provides unlimited, seamless, and immediate access to all content on the platform (except “Nature Plants” in 2015). This includes archived content back to the 1st issues for all 120 journals on There is no limit on downloaded articles; they can be printed or stored electronically.
The NPG portfolio incorporates a wide variety of titles across the clinical, physical and life sciences. Many of the Nature research journals are ranked number 1 in their field, and all are guided by an expert team of editors.

Get started today by going to

Current and past issues of the journals are also accessible from and

Download Nature User Guide in English

——————————————— accéder à l’intégralité des titres du Nature Publishing Group

Le Consortium Luxembourg propose désormais un accès illimité et instantané à l’intégralité de la plateforme Complete. Ceci englobe les 120 différents titres de la revue “Nature” ( à l’exception de Nature Plants en 2015). L’usager peut même accéder aux toutes premières éditions de la revue datant du XIXe siècle. L’on peut télécharger, imprimer et sauvegarder les articles selon ses besoins.

Des revues telles que Nature, Nature Methods, Nature Materials et les Nature Reviews excellent dans leur domaine scientifique et sont dirigées par une équipe d’experts.

Consultez, dès maintenant, les 120 différentes revues de la collection Nature en ligne via

Télécharger Guide d’utilisation en Français

New ebooks: de Gruyter and transcript Verlag

Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce the acquisition of 1.700 new ebooks of de Gruyter and transcript Verlag.

All ebooks can be accessed from anywhere with a valid library subscription of National Library, University, LIST or LIH.

degruyter logo - smallWe purchased access to all Linguistics and History ebooks published in 2014 at

De Gruyter Linguistics 2014 (150 titles)

De Gruyter History 2014 (255 titles)

This includes publications from de Gruyter itself, but also publisher partners like Böhlau Verlag or Harvard University Press.


transcript_logo-smallAdditionally, we purchased the complete ebooks collection 2010-2014 of transcript Verlag.

All of those more than 1.300 titles can be accessed here.


Subjects cover cultural sciences, social sciences, history and philosophy.

You will also find the recent publication of University’s research unit “Identités. Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (IPSE)”.

All ebooks can also be found and accessed via and

Open Access: Early English Books and Eighteenth Century Collections Online


Over 25,000 Early English texts freely available worldwide!

Having previously been available only to academic institutions which subscribe to ProQuest’s Early English Books Online resource, over 25,000 texts from the first phase of EEBO-TCP have been made freely available as open data in the public domain from January 2015.

EEBO-TCP: Early English Books Online

EEBO-TCP is a partnership with ProQuest and with more than 150 libraries to generate highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts corresponding to books from the Early English Books Online Database.

The EEBO corpus consists of the works represented in the English Short Title Catalogue I and II (based on the Pollard & Redgrave and Wing short title catalogs), as well as the Thomason Tracts and the Early English Books Tract Supplement. Together these trace the history of English thought from the first book printed in English in 1475 through to 1700. The content covers literature, philosophy, politics, religion, geography, science and all other areas of human endeavor. The assembled collection of more than 125,000 volumes is a mainstay for understanding the development of Western culture in general and the Anglo-American world in particular. The STC collections have perhaps been most widely used by scholars of English, linguistics, and history, but these resources also include core texts in religious studies, art, women’s studies, history of science, law, and music.

The following are but a small sampling of the authors whose works are included: Erasmus, Shakespeare, King James I, Marlowe, Galileo, Caxton, Chaucer, Malory, Boyle, Newton, Locke, More, Milton, Spenser, Bacon, Donne, Hobbes, Purcell, Behn, and Defoe.

Go to Early English Books via


Eighteens Century Collection Online

With the support of more than 35 libraries, the TCP keyed and encoded 2,231 Eighteenth Century Collections texts. In cooperation with Gale Cengage, these texts have already been made freely available to the public.

ECCO-TCP: Eighteenth Century Collections Online

ECCO-TCP is a partnership with Gale, part of Cengage Learning, to produce highly accurate, fully-searchable, SGML/XML-encoded texts from among the 150,000 titles available in the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) database.

ECCO includes every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom during the 18th century, along with thousands of important works from the Americas. The database contains more than 32 million pages of text and over 205,000 individual volumes in all. In addition, ECCO natively supports OCR-based full-text searching of this corpus.

Access Eighteenth Century Collections Online via