New tutorials online!

Frequent users of and our blog may know our How to guides-series / Guides d’utilisation.

Since evolved a lot during last year, we decided to revise these guides. Now we are proud to announce our new new tutorials for using! We updated all the old How-to-guides and added new ones.

We changed the structure of our tutorials. As you can see in our blog’s navigation the old How-to-Guides tab disappeared, but the Help menu has 3 new sub-menus:

Get started, Basics and Advanced.



Under you will find out how to get your free library card and access to

In the Basics menu ( you can explore the basic services has to offer: Our episodes start with practical information: from how to search up to finding databases, journals or e-books,  information on Interlibrary Loan and much more.

If you want to get the most out of searching with, please visit the Advanced menu ( You will find several episodes about creating personal lists and saving searches which will make it easier to stay up-to-date and make your searches easier and more efficient.

All episodes are available in English and French. A German version will follow.

You can either read one episode after another, but since they are all linked to each other you can also simply explore them by topic.

Clicking on the help tab or going to itself will give you an overview of all episodes.

If you need further assistance such as lost passwords etc., please check our new FAQ tab or go to


New feature: e-book search

After a successful trial of a new e-book search during the last weeks, Consortium Luxembourg is today releasing a new e-book search, giving visibility to the 80.000 e-books on

We are still working on further integration of e-books into, alongside databases and e-journals. That’s why the current release is “beta”.

ebook-search findit.luSimply click on the “ebooks”-tab which you will find at the top of and check it out!

For a long time you only could search for e-books by using the “e-books” QuickSet on our main page. It could take some time to get back results and it was impossible to get an overview of all e-books available. This update gives you a new way to search for more than 80.000 current scientific and scholarly e-books by title, author, ISBN or publisher. Provided that the cover of the book is available, it will also be displayed in your search results.
The number of e-books will increase dramatically as we will be adding older, public domain books, including novels, which have been digitised by libraries around the world.

Please find a detailed tutorial for using the e-book search here.

If you have any questions or would like to provide us with feedback, please feel free to post your comments on this blog. We look forward to hearing from you!

Période d’essai:

Logo ToutApprendre.comDans le cadre d’un accès d’essai ayant cours les deux prochains mois, vous pourrez consulter, un site de formation en ligne.

Vous y trouverez plusieurs centaines de cours en ligne dans le domaine des langues, de la bureautique, de la gestion et de tous les thèmes indiqués ci dessus.

Vous souhaitez apprendre l’anglais, apprendre l’italien, apprendre l’espagnol ou encore apprendre le chinois, découvrez notre collection de cours de langues Assimil-OnLine qui vous permettra de parler une nouvelle langue en moins de 6 mois.

Vous préférez maîtriser le bilan et le compte de résultat, ou encore devenir un pro de l’analyse financière, découvrez nos différents modules de formation sur ces thèmes.

Apprendre à maîtriser votre ordinateur et Internet ? Pas de problèmes avec nos cours de bureautique (plus de 100). Devenez rapidement un expert de Windows, d’Excel, de Word ou encore de PowerPoint.

Des cours en ligne sont désormais disponibles via

Vous pouvez y accéder soit en cliquant sur “” ici ou dans la liste de bases de données sous la lettre “T”.

ORBilu: Be seen. Be read. Be cited.

Orbi LogoStarting in 2013, University of Luxembourg’s new publications server will be the place to go to deposit all of your scientific publications.

ORBi lu , the University of Luxembourg’s new publications server will contain everything from peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, your contributions to collective works, to oral presentations given at scientific conferences, and more.  It will replace the current publications server.

What’s in it for me?  Visibility, accessibility and impact.

  • Visibility: by entering the details of your publications, and thanks to indexing by Internet search engines, your research will be visible to other scholars in your field. Wouldn’t it be great to go to Google Scholar, Scirus, or ScientificCommons and find references to your work?
  • Accessibility: by including the full-text of your publication, your work isn’t locked away behind a pay wall. Anyone, anywhere can read it.
  • Impact: if your work is being read, then it is more likely to be cited. Isn’t the main problem with impact the fact that your article or book chapter can’t be found or accessed?

Why are we introducing ORBi lu ?  In a word, to promote our research.  ORBi lu is designed to make our research visible to the outside world.  Through indexing by Internet search engines, research done at University of Luxembourg will be easier to find for other scholars outside of Luxembourg.

To see ORBi lu in action in advance, take a look at ORBi at the University of Liège (ULg).  Developed by ULg, it has been in use there since November 2008 and its success is unprecedented. June 2012 saw users download over 61 000 documents.  But don’t just take our word for it.  See what ULg’s researchers are saying in this short video .

To learn more, check out , the future site of ORBi lu , or contact us on .

Trial: vLex Global – multilingual legal information

Logo vLexCommunicating every day in several languages is one of the things which makes Luxembourg so special. That’s why we are happy to announce the trial period of vLex Global, a multilingual database for legal information. is the global provider of legal information, offering access to up-to-date content from 140 countries, available in 13 languages.

Language barriers are broken. No matter what language you speak, options are given to change to your specified language. This multilingual interface allows you to easily search through legal information from other countries which you may not understand.

Learn how to perform searches at vLex or to use the advanced translation tool with their User Guides and Video Tutorials:

Improve your research with the following tools of vLex:

vLex Global is available on trial until 21st October 2012 via under the letter “V” on the “Find Database” tab.

Trial: Ebsco SocINDEX™ with Full Text

Consortium Luxembourg is pleased to announce the trial period of Ebsco’s SocINDEX™ with Full Text.

SocINDEX™ with Full Text is one of the world’s most important sociology research databases. Its extensive scope and content provide you with extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study.

The database contains all of the following and much more:

  • Over 2,100,000 records with subject headings from a 20,000+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers
  • Full text for more than 820 of the most sought after SocINDEX titles, dating back to 1908
  • Full text for 14,636+ conference papers
  • More than 25,000 author profiles with biographical data and bibliographic information

Find the whole coverage list here:

Ebsco’s SocINDEX™ with Full Text is available on trial until mid of October 2012 via under the letter “S” on the “Find Database” tab.

Période d’essai: JurisIndex

Dans le cadre d’un accès d’essai ayant cours la semaine prochaine, vous pourrez consulter la Revue des sommaires juridique JurisINDEX.

Cette revue des sommaires de la presse juridique utilisée par les professionnels du doit luxembourgeois reprend les tables des matières des périodiques suivants:

  • Annale du droit luxembougeois
  • Assurance et responsabilité
  • Bulletin d’information sur la jurisprudence:
  • Conférence du jeune barreau de Luxembourg
  • Bulletin de la Conférence Saint-Yves
  • Bulletin des droits de l’homme
  • Bulletin du Cercle François Laurent
  • Bulletin luxembourgeois des questions sociales
  • Code fiscal luxembourgeois:
  • études fiscales
  • Codex
  • Droit & patrimoine
  • Guide des comptes annuels pour le Luxembourg
  • Journal des tribunaux
  • Pasicrisie luxembourgeoise
  • Revue générale des assurances et des responsabilités
  • Revue pratique des sociétés.

Les titres sont désormais disponibles via

Vous pouvez y accéder soit en cliquant sur “JurisEDIT” ici ou dans la liste de bases de données sous la lettre “J”.

Update of Web of Knowledge federated search / search alerts

There was a recent update on searching within Web of Knowledge via Existing search alerts including the database “Web of Knowledge” have to be updated.

Before explaining how to update we will give you a small theoretical instruction:

Web of Knowledge in general is the name of the comprehensive research platform.
It consists of several databases containing different kind of information. Via you have access to the three citation databases (Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts & Humanities Citation Index) as well as to the two conference proceedings citation indexes (Conference Proceedings Citation Index Science and Social Sciences & Humanities).
Details can be found here:

If you searched Web of Knowledge using findit’s search engine in the past, you always searched through all databases Web of Knowledge consists of at once.

Thomson Reuter’s technical update doesn’t provide a search of Web of Knowledge on the whole via anymore.

There are two ways to deal with this update:

  1.  Choose one of the mentioned citation or conference proceedings databases to perform a search. Disadvantage: You are only searching one of the databases at once.
  2.  For advanced users who still want to search all databases with one search request we suggest to create a Quick Set with all sub-databases and / or use the MetaSearch.

Within the Web of Knowledge interface you can still perform a search above all databases at once.

You will find the “new” sub-databases by searching for “web of knowledge” in the “Find Database”-menu.

Search results for sub-databases of Web of Knowledge

Users holding search alerts which are searching Web of Knowledge are requested to delete the existing search alert and to add one or several new search alerts using the different sub-databases.

This is how to approach:

Connect to and choose My Space < History by clicking the x – sign next to the search alert which includes Web of Knowledge. Your old alert is now deleted.

Old search alert at findit.luPerform a new search by searching for the new sub-databases and click the magnifying glass icon next to one of the desired databases. Once you have a list of results from your search, you can create your new search alert.

Need help, creating a search alert? – See our How-to Series, Episode 9.

If you want to search more than one of the mentioned databases, please create a QuickSet (How-to Series, Episode 7) and use MetaSearch to create your search alert.

Need any further assistance? Contact us at

De Gruyter databases not available

Due to the switch to their new web presence de Gruyter databases are not available at the moment. We have contacted de Gruyter and will blog as soon as the issue is resolved.

Following databases are affected:

  • Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon und Datenbank
  • Deutsche Biographische Enzyklopädie
  • Bibliotheca Teubneriana Latina (BTL)
  • Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL)
  • Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Festschriften (IJBF)
  • Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Kongressberichte (IJBK)
  • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen (IBR)
  • Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur (IBZ)

We apologize for any inconvenience.