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On Saturday 14th November from 9:00 to 13:00 the www.nature.com website will be unavailable for scheduled maintenance.
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Dans le cadre de ses missions de conservation et de diffusion du patrimoine intellectuel luxembourgeois, la Bibliothèque nationale de Luxembourg (BnL) vient de numériser et de mettre en ligne l’intégralité des publications de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois (SNL).
Ces publications sont :
En 1874, la Société de Botanique édite le premier numéro de son Recueil des mémoires et des travaux. Le rythme de parution dépend de l’abondance des matières disponibles. Le dernier numéro paraît en 1905 ; il correspond aux travaux des années 1902 à 1903.
Les comptes rendus des séances de la Fauna – Société des Naturalistes Luxembourgeois paraissent entre 1891 et 1906 de façon mensuelle. En 1907, la Société grand-ducale de Botanique et de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois fusionnent et leur publication devient le Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes Luxembourgeois.
Depuis la fusion de la Société grand-ducale de Botanique et de la Société des naturalistes Luxembourgeois en 1907, les Bulletins de la Société des naturalistes prennent la relève, tout en gardant la numérotation initiale de Fauna entre parenthèses. D’abord mensuelle, la parution du bulletin devient annuelle à partir de 1946.
Ces publications comptent au total : 482 numéros dont 13 Mémoires et travaux ; 161 Comptes-rendus et 308 Bulletins ce qui équivaut à un total de 26780 pages.
La Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois (SNL) a été fondée en 1890 sous le nom de « Fauna – Verein Luxemburger Naturfreunde ». En 1907, la SNL fusionne avec la Société grand-ducale de botanique, elle-même fondée en 1872.
Par ses activités, la SNL vise à accroître l’intérêt pour les sciences naturelles. Aujourd’hui, elle associe quelque 400 amis de la nature et organise régulièrement des excursions thématiques. Elle anime, en étroite collaboration avec le Musée national d’histoire naturelle, trois groupes de travail couvrant les domaines de la botanique, de l’entomologie (étude des insectes) et de la mycologie (étude des champignons).
La SNL publie, depuis sa création, un bulletin scientifique dont le rôle principal est de diffuser des recherches et textes issus du domaine des sciences naturelles, se rapportant tant au Luxembourg qu’à d’autres pays. Ce bulletin sert également d’organe de liaison entre les membres. Il est publié annuellement.
Le portail eluxemburgensia.lu, lancé en 2009, fait suite au premier volet de numérisation du patrimoine imprimé luxembourgeois par la Bibliothèque nationale (2002-2008). L’utilisateur y trouve des quotidiens numérisés tels que le Tageblatt, le Luxemburger Wort ou d’Lëtzebuerger Land ainsi que des revues numérisées tout comme des cartes postales anciennes et plusieurs ouvrages de références. Plus de 450.000 pages ont été numérisées et mises en ligne jusqu’à présent. La numérisation de titres supplémentaires, de périodiques et de livres, est en cours.
www.eluxemburgensia.lu permet d’accéder gratuitement et à distance au plein texte de ces documents. Les utilisateurs de la tablette iPad peuvent télécharger dans l’App Store d’Apple, l’application “BnL elux” garantissant une plus grande facilité d’utilisation.
Les contenus numérisés du portail eluxemburgensia.lu sont aussi recherchables et consultables via le moteur de recherche a-z.lu conçu pour permettre des recherches fédérées dans l’ensemble des collections de la BnL et du réseau de bibliothèques bibnet.lu. Grâce à cet outil de recherche, l’on peut visualiser non seulement les contenus numérisés par la BnL mais toutes les publications imprimées et numériques de provenance nationale et internationale, disponibles dans 68 bibliothèques luxembourgeoises.
Veuillez trouver des photos et plus d’informations sur www.bnl.lu.
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The authentication infrastructure requires maintenance.
Therefore it is not possible to login to your account (at a-z.lu and findit.lu) and no licensed content is accessible on Monday 2.11. between 10 and 11 o’clock.
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The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 2015 to Angus Deaton, Princeton University, NJ, USA “for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare”.
Consumption, great and small
To design economic policy that promotes welfare and reduces poverty, we must first understand individual consumption choices. More than anyone else, Angus Deaton has enhanced this understanding. By linking detailed individual choices and aggregate outcomes, his research has helped transform the fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and development economics.
The work for which Deaton is now being honored revolves around three central questions:
How do consumers distribute their spending among different goods? Answering this question is not only necessary for explaining and forecasting actual consumption patterns, but also crucial in evaluating how policy reforms, like changes in consumption taxes, affect the welfare of different groups. In his early work around 1980, Deaton developed the Almost Ideal Demand System – a flexible, yet simple, way of estimating how the demand for each good depends on the prices of all goods and on individual incomes. His approach and its later modifications are now standard tools, both in academia and in practical policy evaluation.
How much of society’s income is spent and how much is saved? To explain capital formation and the magnitudes of business cycles, it is necessary to understand the interplay between income and consumption over time. In a few papers around 1990, Deaton showed that the prevailing consumption theory could not explain the actual relationships if the starting point was aggregate income and consumption. Instead, one should sum up how individuals adapt their own consumption to their individual income, which fluctuates in a very different way to aggregate income. This research clearly demonstrated why the analysis of individual data is key to untangling the patterns we see in aggregate data, an approach that has since become widely adopted in modern macroeconomics.
How do we best measure and analyze welfare and poverty? In his more recent research, Deaton highlights how reliable measures of individual household consumption levels can be used to discern mechanisms behind economic development. His research has uncovered important pitfalls when comparing the extent of poverty across time and place. It has also exemplified how the clever use of household data may shed light on such issues as the relationships between income and calorie intake, and the extent of gender discrimination within the family. Deaton’s focus on household surveys has helped transform development economics from a theoretical field based on aggregate data to an empirical field based on detailed individual data.
Source: nobelprize.org
– List of Angus Deaton’s Publications (incl fulltext download for all of his papers)
– Want to read more? Check out Angus Deaton’s publications in a-z.lu
Naxos Music Library (NML) hat verkündet, dass nun auch die ersten Aufnahmen von über 11.000 geplanten Alben der Klassiklabel Deutsche Grammophon und Decca in den Bestand der NML aufgenommen worden sind.
Somit schließt sich die letzte große Lücke im Klassik-Repertoire der NML, der weltweit größten Online-Bibliothek klassischer Musik, in welcher mehr als 116.000 digitalisierte CDs von über 750 Labels im Streaming-Angebot verfügbar sind.
Naxos Music Library kann über a-z.lu abgerufen werden.
Naxos Music Library (NML) étend son offre avec l’intégration de plus de 11.000 enregistrements des labels Deutsche Grammophon et Decca. Ainsi, la NML devient la plus exhaustive bibliothèque de musique classique, accessible en ligne. Plus de 116.000 Cd numérisés d’au moins 750 labels sont désormais disponibles pour le streaming et la diffusion en ligne.
Consultez Naxos Music Library via notre moteur de recherche a-z.lu.
Effective January 1, 2016, ScienceDirect will no longer support Internet Explorer 8 (IE8).
Why are we ceasing support of IE8?
We are following Microsoft’s directive to focus our support on newer, officially-supported IE browser versions. Microsoft announced in 2014 that, as of January 2016, it would only support the most recent IE browser version with technical support and security updates. We strongly encourage our customers to follow Microsoft’s directive as well by updating to more recent versions of IE. Additionally, users can move to the latest versions of the Chrome or Firefox browsers for an optimal ScienceDirect experience.
By removing IE8 from our support list, we will be able to provide the following future enhancements:
Analytical Chemistry is a peer-reviewed research journal that is devoted to the dissemination of new and original knowledge in all branches of analytical chemistry. It’s one of the most-cited journals in analytical chemistry.
Consortium Luxembourg is offering access to current issues as well as backfiles from 1996 on.
Did you know that there is a monthly audio podcast discussing Feature articles published in Analytical Chemistry? Submit your questions to top researchers in the field on our Facebook and Twitter pages for use in upcoming podcasts!
More interested in videos? The publisher is also offering a youtube channel with a focus on chemistry from the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society.
Don’t miss the video about “Scientists Make Self-healing Rubber”
Journal Analytical Chemistry
Consortium Luxembourg is happy to announce that we’re now offering access to Bibliography of Linguistic Literature – Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLLDB).
BLLDB is the online version of the “Bibliography of Linguistic Literature / Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLL)”. It is one of the major sources of information on the internet for general linguistics with all its neighbouring disciplines and subdomains as well as English, German and Romance linguistics. Other languages are also covered to a smaller extent.
The bibliography lists journal articles, articles of conference proceedings, and other collective works as well as monographs, dissertations, and Festschrifts.
BLLDB contains all volumes of the printed edition of BLL. It dates back as far as 1971 and references over 452,000 citations. The data base is quarterly updated with an annual growth of about 10,000 citations.
The material covered is international. Subject classification is available in English and German.
BLLDB was realised with our Visual Library and is based on latest XML technologies. With its German and English interface it enables users to rapidly execute complex queries for bibliographical references by means of multiple search criteria and parameters. Furthermore, to browse the database thoroughly, all title entries are indexed and classified systematically according to the different linguistic domains and levels of description.
All search queries can be saved and repeated while search results can be stored and exported for further use (plain text, Dublin Core). Via openURL BLLDB is connected to your library’s linking service.
Access BLLDB directly here or via a-z.lu.
Deutsche Version
Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLLDB)
BLLDB ist die Onlineversion der “Bibliography of Linguistic Literature / Bibliographie Linguistischer Literatur (BLL)”. Damit steht eine der wichtigsten bibliographischen Informationsquellen für die allgemeine Linguistik mit ihren verschiedenen Teilbereichen und Nachbardisziplinen sowie der anglistischen, germanistischen und romanistischen Sprachwissenschaft im Internet zur Verfügung. In geringerem Umfang werden außerdem Veröffentlichungen zu anderen Sprachen behandelt.
BLLDB verzeichnet Monographien, Dissertationen, Manuskripte, Aufsätze aus Zeitschriften, Rezensionen in Auswahl, Beiträge aus Sammelwerken, Festschriften, Kongress- und Institutsberichten etc.
Umfang der Bibliographie
BLLDB verzeichnet für den Berichtszeitraum von 1971 bis heute aktuell etwa 452.000 Titeldaten. Dreimonatlich durchgeführte Updates ergänzen diesen Bestand jährlich um ca. 10.000 neue Titel.
Die inhaltliche Erschließung durch Klassifikation und Schlagwörter erfolgt in der Regel zweisprachig in Deutsch und Englisch.
BLLDB wurde unter Einsatz von Visual Library realisiert und nutzt moderne XML-Technologien. Über eine deutsche und wahlweise englische Oberfläche ermöglicht Ihnen BLLDB die rasche Durchführung komplexer Literaturrecherchen, die mittels verschiedener Suchkriterien und -parameter spezifiziert werden können. Sämtliche Einträge wurden darüber hinaus systematisch nach Fachgebieten und Themenschwerpunkten klassifiziert, so daß Sie im Datenbestand der BLLDB auch frei navigieren können.
Suchanfragen und Rechercheergebnisse können gespeichert und zur weiteren Verwendung exportiert werden. Die Verfügbarkeitsprüfung von Titeln wird durch einen Linkresolver realisiert.
Um direkt auf BLLDB zuzugreifen klicken Sie hier. Alternativ nutzen Sie unsere Suchmaschine a-z.lu.
Click here for English version
Le 14 septembre 2015, BiblioLab ouvre ses portes et vous invite à découvrir votre nouvel espace situé à Belval au niveau -1 de la Maison des Sciences humaines.
Quel est le concept du BiblioLab ?
Quels nouveaux services ?
Un espace en libre-service vous permet d’emprunter ou de retourner des livres ainsi que retirer directement vos réservations.
Pour retourner les livres que vous avez empruntés : il suffit de les déposer sur l’étagère de retour.
Des automates seront mis à votre disposition pour emprunter des livres en toute autonomie. Ce système vous permet d’emprunter des ouvrages à tout moment.
Les ouvrages réservés en ligne sur a-z.lu vous attendent sous votre nom sur une étagère réservée à cet usage. Vous pouvez alors les emprunter directement grâce aux automates.
Vous avez des questions ?
Les bibliothécaires sont à votre service et à votre écoute. Ils vous aident volontiers dans des espaces dédiés au service d’aide à la recherche ou dans la salle de formation.
BiblioLab sera ouvert de 8h à 21h du lundi au vendredi.
Ligatus is proud to announce the launch of the Language of Binding online thesaurus of bookbinding terms, which was celebrated with a one-day event in the Chelsea College of Arts (University of the Arts London) in collaboration with CERL on 23 June, 2015.
Ligatus is a research centre of the University of the Arts London with projects in libraries and archives and with a particular interest in historic bookbinding. The Language of Binding thesaurus is the result of our long experience with historic bookbindings, but has been greatly assisted by contributions from an international group of bookbinding experts and book conservators. This work was made possible by a Networking Grant from the Arts and Humanities Research Council in the UK.
The aim of the thesaurus is to present a consistent vocabulary for the use of all those who work with early bindings, built wherever possible on existing resources, but adapted for use in an on-line hierarchical environment that will allow terms that are not known to a user to be found. It is constructed around concepts (such as different bookbinding components, features, materials or techniques) that can be expressed by a number of language terms (labels). The thesaurus allows one concept to have more than one label, which allows the same concept to be searched for by the different terms that may have been used historically to describe it. It will also allow the concepts to be expressed in different languages.
The Language of Binding thesaurus can be used as a reference online resource that can be searched by keyword or alphabetically. The concepts contained in the thesaurus are, however, also arranged hierarchically, based on a class/sub-class relationship, which allows concepts to be retrieved by navigating down the hierarchies even if their label (the term) is not known.
It is hoped that the thesaurus will enable all those who work with books in early bindings to arrive at more consistent descriptions of those bindings. By being based primarily on single concepts, it has tried to avoid the more familiar but sometimes frustratingly imprecise language that has often been used in the past. This means that some of these familiar terms will not be found as labels, though they may be referred to in the scope notes that define and describe the concepts (and can therefore be found by a simple keyword search).
At the moment, the thesaurus contains labels primarily in English, but work on its translation has already started, and plans for the addition of illustrations are also underway. The thesaurus can, in addition, be used as a look-up service for software applications that need to populate schema fields from thesauri.
An accompanying volume, Coming to Terms: guidelines for the description of historical bindings, which is based on the terms in the thesaurus, is to be published in the autumn. The success of the thesaurus will to a large extent depend on contributions made to it by its users, either to add more concepts, refine existing scope notes or correct mistakes. Such contributions to the thesaurus will be welcomed, and can be made online following a registration process.
The thesaurus can be accessed at: http://www.ligatus.org.uk/lob