KluwerArbitration now includes Practice Tools

KluwerArbitration has announced the addition of Practice Tools into their online offerings.

The Practice Tools consist of:

  • a set of 3 easy-to-use question and answer Smart Charts, edited by Clifford Chance LLP;
  • the IAI Aribtrator Tool, a search-for-an-arbitrator tool developed with the International Arbitration Institute (IAI).

The Smart Charts include:

  • Drafting Arbitration Agreements: a comparative summary of the main components of arbitration agreements across key jurisdictions;
  • Sovereign Immunity: a comparative summary of the circumstances in which immunity from enforcement may be claimed by States across key jurisdictions;
  • Arbitral Institutions: an at-a-glance comparative summary of the procedural rules of the major international Arbitral Institutions.

The IAI Arbitrator Tool allows users to search for and compare profiles of arbitration specialists from the IAI directory.

Wiley Interscience to become Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library will launch this weekend, 7-8 August 2010.

Therefore, there will be no access to Wiley Interscience as of Sat 7 August 2010 at 10h00.  Wiley Online Library will go live on Sun 8 August 2010 at 18h00.

During this transition period anyone attempting to access the sites will see a message explaining the reason for the unavailability and will be directed to wileyonlinelibrary.com/info for more details.

EbscoHost Mobile

Ebscohost has announced the launch of a mobile version of its website.

EBSCOhost Mobile offers the following features:

  • Basic Searching
  • HTML and PDF Full Text
  • Search Modes
  • Limiters
  • Image Quick View
  • Image Collection (depending on the database that has been selected)
  • E-mailing articles
  • Preferences
  • Multi-database Searching

All the databases that are accessible via the regular PC version of Ebscohost are also available for searching via Ebscohost mobile.

Ebscohost Mobile can be found via the “Databases” header under the letter “E” or by clicking here.

** Please note that your mobile device must have javascript enabled in order to use EBSCOhost Mobile. **

PsycARTICLES – Journal Removal

The American Psychological Association has informed us that it has ceased publication of the following journal and therefore, its contents will be removed from the PsycARTICLES database effective 30 June 2010:

  • The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry

Access to the index will continue to be available via PsycARTICLES.

Access to International Bibliographies (IBR, IBZ, IJBF, IJBK)

Due to the integration of a new server at de Gruyter, some of the cookies stored on user machines must be updated.  In order to do this, your browser cache must be cleared.

The products affected by this problem are:

  • Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen / International Bibliography of Book Reviews in Scholarly Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBR)
  • Internationale Bibliographie der Zeitschriftenliteratur / International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences (IBZ)
  • Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Festschriften / International Annual Bibliography of Festschriften (IJBF)
  • Internationale Jahresbibliographie der Kongressberichte / International Annual Bibliography of Congress (Conference) Proceedings (IJBK)

To clear your cache, follow these simple steps.


  1. Click on Tools … Clear Recent History.
  2. Choose “Everything” in the Time range to clear field.
  3. Click on the “Details” button.
  4. Choose only “Cache” from the list.
  5. Click on “Clear now”.

Internet Explorer

  1. Click on Tools…Internet Options.
  2. On the General tab, click on the Delete button within the “Browsing history” section.
  3. Choose “Cookies” from the list.  You may want to also choose “Preserve Favorites website data”.
  4. Click on Delete.
  5. If this does not resolve the problem, repeat steps 1 to 4 however, at step 3, do not choose “Preserve Favorites website data”.

Le Doctrinal Plus

Nous avons le plaisir de vous communiquer l’ajout d’un nouveau produit dans le portail du Consortium Luxembourg, “Le Doctrinal Plus”.

Le Doctrinal Plus”, mis à jour tous les mois, est un point d’entrée dans le Droit Français. Base de données bibliographiques exhaustive, Le Doctrinal dépouille depuis le 1er janvier 1993 l’intégralité de la doctrine publiée dans plus de 200 publications françaises et internationales.

Le Doctrinal Plus est désormais disponible sous l’intitulé “Bases de données” sous la lettre “D”.

Wiley-Blackwell offline. Saturday 28 June till Monday morning

Blackwell journal content will migrate to the Wiley InterScience platform as a result of the Wiley-Blackwell ongoing reorganiation.
Services are offline from Saturday 28th June, 15h, till Monday 30st June, 03h. Details: see table below.
Note: Last time these vendors decided to touch the computers, it was a travesty, for months! So: Go, Wiley-Blackwell, go! 🙂

The plan as announced first in January is still on track and the transition will take place this weekend.

The scheduled downtime is as follows:
Saturday – June 28
Blackwell Synergy closes down
21:00 New York (June 27)
03:00 Luxembourg
09:00 Singapore

Sunday – June 29
Wiley InterScience goes offline temporarily
05:00 New York (June 28)
11:00 Luxembourg
05:00 Singapore

Monday – June 30
Wiley InterScience comes back online, with Blackwell journals incorporated
21:00 New York (June 29)
03:00 Luxembourg
09:00 Singapore

Tuesday – June 31
further notice with update on the status. On peut s’attendre au pire, peut-être on ne sera pas deçu!

IEEE – Mobile Site Now Available

IEEE has announced the launch of IEEE Xplore Mobile.

IEEE Xplore Mobile gives users the ability to conveniently perform searches of over two million technical documents with any mobile device connected to the Internet. All results you would find on the classic IEEE Xplore for abstracts and citations are displayed ten at a time by relevancy. You can then decide to read or e-mail the abstracts to a remote computer.

It can be found via the “Databases” header under the letter “I” or by clicking here.

ISI Web of Knowledge – Expanded Content

As of 2010, the Consortium Luxembourg Portal offers you access to all entries from 1975 until the present day in the following Web of Knowledge products:

  • Science Citation Index Expanded
  • Social Sciences Citation Index
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index

And of course, you still have access to the Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science and Social Science & Humanities from 1990 to the present day.

Don’t forget that the Web of Knowledge can be searched directly in the Portal.  Look for the Searchable type and symbol in the portal entry: